Don’t Forget About Metadata!

Patients Loremipsum
Sample 3
Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2011

When we develop new Web sites, we often forget about metadata as meta information such as titles, descriptions and keywords sit at the background within the HTML code. In fact, metadata is one of the more important components you need to implement to your builds. Why? Because this is your main driver in the search engine land.

In the meantime, metadata is taking a more prominent role in the entertainment industry since more and more people watch movies and TV shows online. Metadata in movies/tv shows online allows in-depth descriptive information about programming that includes title, storyline, cast, genre, release date, images and more.

When you search your favrotie shows on Nexflix, Hulu, etc., this information would come in handy and create the potential for new revenue streams through enhanced product placements and targeted advertising.


Whatever you develop online, don’t forget about metadata!



Patients Loremipsum
Sample 3
Editor for

This is a sample page showcasing various layouts.