Inspector Gadget, Sort of…

Patients Loremipsum
Sample 3
Published in
1 min readSep 12, 2011

Not too long ago many of us complained about the size of mobile phones. My Blackberry used to be huge, but it got smaller and smaller and I was happy with my Bold until I got rid of it (because it had reached its ceiling.) Obviously most of us want something versatile — a smartphone that can do everything (like running your life) but without a bigger screen, it is hard to achieve that goal.

Say hello to smartwatch. The smartwatch leverages Bluetooth technology and allows mobile apps to send data from your favorite smartphone (i.e. Androld, Blackberry or jailbreak iPhone) to the smartwatch.

Personally I think this is a great piece of technolgy and since it’s open source, the mobile technolgy is going to get even smarter.




Patients Loremipsum
Sample 3
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This is a sample page showcasing various layouts.