Why We Always Go For The Bad Boys

Keay Nigel
The Coffeelicious
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2015


I want someone who would live on the edge with me. Someone who tells me to live wild and free. Someone who sees my fears and tells me to face them. Someone who challenges me to do the big things, and to do them in my own special ways.

I want someone who would remind me whenever I fall into doubt, to pursue my ambitions fearlessly and passionately. Someone who also lets me know that he will be there to catch me even when I fall. Someone who encourages me to push boundaries and go beyond. Someone who lets me break the rules, or even break them with me.

I want someone whom I can get into trouble with. To live dangerously with. Well, perhaps not dangerous dangerous, but you know what I mean. Someone who is reckless and spontaneous enough; someone whom I can go take big and small risks with; someone who makes my lips go dry, butterflies in my tummy, head spinning, and all that sort of things.

Someone who offers me the do-it-now-or-never/all-or-nothing-at-all ultimatum. Someone who lets me feel the fear of missing a golden window of opportunity. Someone who pushes me to make a decision, only because I need to, for myself, and for my future and everything that I believe in.

Someone who makes me feel afraid, yet safe at the same time, of letting go.

I want someone who makes me feel…


We try to fight the world together. Whatever that’s in our way. We get into deep shit. We get hurt. We get busted. We did them all. Together.

We might blame each other for the very idea (which really didn’t seem that bad before). We might hate each other a little afterwards, for being reckless and careless and not giving a shit about the consequences. We might get really angry at each other. We might scream. We might shout. We might fight. But the anger always dies off soon enough. And at the end of the day, we would be looking each other in the eye and having a good laugh about it.

Perhaps a few years later, if we’re still together, we would still laugh about it whenever one of us goes, “Hey you remember that time when we…” If we were no longer together, well, then at least the both of us, in our separate worlds, could look back and say, “Yeah, those were some crazy times. I’m glad I had met someone who did all those crazy things with me.”

We all want a bad boy or a bad girl, because we all crave for some form of an adventure in our mundane world of mundane lives.

We wish to be nudged out of our comfort zone. To be shocked. Only then can we discover the other side of ourselves that we never knew exists.

Even in the most toxic of relationships, you can get something good out of it. You can learn something out of it.

Eventually you will move on from it. As a person who is wiser, who knows better — what you want and what you don’t.

Sometimes, you need the Bad to get to the Good.

Sometimes, Bad isn’t that bad after all.

Sometimes, that is.



Keay Nigel
The Coffeelicious

Keay Nigel is also on Huffpost, BuzzFeed, EliteDaily & Thought Catalog // IG: @keaynigel