2 Videos worth watching

Today: Scott Galloway on career advice and a chat with Aswath Damodaran on how to value cryptocurrencies.

Caleb Dismuke
1 min readSep 2, 2017


Here are two short videos I found compelling. Enjoy the first weekend of college football. Go BULLDOGS 🐶

Scott Galloway is a marketing professor at NYU and runs L2, a digital benchmarking company.

He does a video once a week that is informative, entertaining, and sometimes a little salty, language wise.

His youtube channel is worth subscribing to. Click here to subscribe.

In the 1st video, he offers 10 tips on career advice.

In the 2nd video, he speaks with another NYU professor, Aswath Damodaran, a valuation expert, on how we should value cryptocurrencies.

Have a great weekend,




Caleb Dismuke
Editor for

Creator of SAM, trader, college football fan, proud father.