The Three Tests of a Solid Strategy

Fact. Direction. Clarity.

Samuel Onyango
Sam’s UX + Strategy Wall
1 min readJan 11, 2024


1. Fact

Is the problem or opportunity real or is it assumed and imaginary? What’s the evidence of it?

Is the analysis based on facts for which there is evidence? Or are they assumptions and fabrications?

Is there any evidence that the proposed solution could work?

2. Direction

Does it paint a clear picture of where we are and where we want to go?

Does it paint a clear picture of where we will land if we work with it?

In other words, does it propose to move us to some point, or is it just words?

3. Clarity

Can you explain it in plain language (without jargon)?

In fact, can you pitch it in under 2 minutes?

In fact, can you write it in 1 to 3 sentences?

Can a non-expert understand it?

Does it inspire clear action?

If not, it is not a strategy — but just words.



Samuel Onyango
Sam’s UX + Strategy Wall

Global award-winning strategist. UX / product designer. Tech enthusiast. Strategy Director at Ogilvy in Africa