All the Keynote talks from Samsung Create 2018

Damon Hernandez
Samsung Internet Developers
4 min readAug 23, 2018

Starting off with our series of Create conference videos are the keynotes from the event. There is really no better way to set the theme of a conference and inspire attendees than with a good opening keynote. At the Create conference, we were fortunate to have the following keynote speakers.

Day 1 Keynote Speakers:

Dr. Hyo Jung Song

Dr. Hyo Jung Song- Dr. Song leads the Samsung Internet Browser & Web Platform team. She enjoys working with industry and academic leaders to create new technologies to solve disruptive business challenges. Her specialty includes end-to-end experiences in SW projects & technical management : planning, architecting, development, deployment of mobile SW & services, and working with the open source community and global-scale overseas R&D teams.

Dan Gross

Dan Gross - Dan is the Sr. Director of Global Support and Ecosystem for Samsung’s new IoT platform, ARTIK. He has been a professional software developer for over 20 years, most of the time spent in Silicon Valley. His passions are the pursuit of friction-less developer tools and solving real business issues. Prior to joining Samsung, he has helped companies such as: Sun Microsystems, Oracle, HP, and TRX Training.

Day 2 Keynote Speakers:

Léonie Watson - Léonie is Director of Developer Communications at The Paciello Group (TPG), and a member of the W3C Advisory Board. She is also co-chair of the W3C Web Platform Working Group, where she is responsible for many specifications including IndexedDB, Push API, Pointer Lock API, Gamepad API, ARIA in HTML, and the HTML Accessibility API Mapppings (AAM). Learn more about Léonie at her personal website.

Léonie’s talk, The Art of Noise (keep talking), covers how voice interaction is now commonplace. We converse with the digital assistants on our phones and our connected home devices, and the experience is improving all the time. But how do we design experiences for voice interaction? What can we learn from the experiences of using first generation voice input/output technologies like screen readers and speech recognition tools? Full of practical ideas and interesting possibilities, this talk explores the past, present, and future of voice interaction design; and considers how to use the Inclusive Design Principles to create voice experiences that really work.

Alex Russell - Alex is a Senior Staff Software Engineer on the Chrome team at Google where he designs new features for the Web Platform and leads Chrome’s Standards work. He’s a member of ECMA TC39 (the JavaScript language committee) and serves as an elected member of the W3C’s Technical Architecture Group where he works to improve the state of API design for the web. His recent projects include Progressive Web Apps, Web Components, ES6 features including Classes and Promises, and Service Workers. Previously he helped build Chrome Frame and led the Dojo Toolkit project. Alex plays for Team Web.

Alex’s talk, The New Mobile Reality, looks at how computing is inexorably moving to mobile, but mobile isn’t a static target. If the web is going to be the future of client-side computing, it has to deliver outstanding experiences across the full set of devices and network users come to our services with. This talk digs into the constraints and how respecting them — and leaning on the platform — can help unlock our creativity for the greatest number of users.

Mind Blown!

Hopefully you are feeling as inspired from these amazing speakers as those of us that attended the conference. Make sure to follow their work and stay tuned for more videos next week from Create 2018!



Damon Hernandez
Samsung Internet Developers

Designer, developer, advisor, speaker, entrepreneur and executive that is passionate about immersive technologies, the built environment, & all things Web. :)