Empowering Enterprise & International Developers - Unite Europe 2017

Damon Hernandez
Samsung Internet Developers
3 min readJul 28, 2017

So I recently returned from Unity’s Unite Europe 2017 event in Amsterdam. This three day event is a must attend conference for anyone doing development with the Unity game engine on the East side of the Atlantic. As expected, the event brought in developers from all around Europe and even the Middle East thanks to Unity without Borders program.

The main event was in Westergasfabriek, a complex of old gas factory buildings just a short bike ride from the city center. It was a great venue and I have to say that the food was the best of any conference I have ever attended. The expo floor was an intimate size with a nice representation of big players and smaller companies present. I was representing Samsung as a speaker at the event and was accompanied by a great group from the Samsung Developer Program.

At first I felt a bit out of place as a web guy at a Unity conference but it did not take long to meet a surprising amount of web developers that were learning Unity because they wanted to build VR. This was a pleasant revelation and gave me the opportunity to share with them about WebVR and offerings from the Samsung Internet browser.

Another nice tidbit was the amount of folks using Unity for developing enterprise solutions. During my presentation I asked for a show of hands for how many are developing non-entertainment or gaming applications and over 80% of the room raised its hand. I streamed the beginning of my presentation in 360 for watching in VR via Youtube with the new Gear 360 camera. One has to be innovative when talking about innovative tech, but remember to have a fully charged battery when doing so (only the first part of the video is captured).

The event was full of other presentations and I highly recommend watching the full keynote seen below.

I thank Unity and the Samsung Developer Team for allowing me to participate in this great event. I highly encourage any Unity developer in the EU and beyond to attend this conference.



Damon Hernandez
Samsung Internet Developers

Designer, developer, advisor, speaker, entrepreneur and executive that is passionate about immersive technologies, the built environment, & all things Web. :)