Web, Internet of Things and GDPR

ziran sun
Samsung Internet Developers
8 min readJun 18, 2018

From the 25th of May 2018, the European General Data Protection Regulation, also known as GDPR, has come into force across European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). This new European Regulation on privacy has far-reaching consequences on how personal data is collected, stored and used in the Internet of Things (IoT) world and across the web. For IoT and web developers, it has a significant impact on how we start to think about technologies we deploy and services we build. One promise of the open web platform is enhanced privacy in comparison to other technology stacks. Can some of the inherent privacy issues in the currently deployed IoT architectures be mitigated by the use of web technology? We think it can.

In this blog post we will look at The Web of Things (WoT) technologies we have been involved in. By walking through the options from local device discovery to a gateway framework that enables remote access, we hope to give you a picture of a loosely coupled IoT solution using Web of Things technologies. At each stage, GDPR compliance of these technologies will be discussed.

GDPR and the Internet of Things

The 88 pages long GDPR regulation document has 99 articles on the rights for all individuals and the obligations placed on organizations. These new requirements represent a significant change on how data will be handled across businesses and industries. When it comes to the Internet of Things, GDPR compliance is particularly challenging. Concerns about the risks that the Internet of Things has posed on data protection and personal privacy have been raised for a few years. An study from ICO in 2016 stated that “Six in ten Internet of Things devices don’t properly tell customers how their personal information is being used”. The good news is that industry and governments are aware of the problem and taking actions to change this.

With the Internet of Things growing faster and smarter, a lot of new devices and new solutions will be introduced in the coming years. When looking into technical solutions and innovation, we need to have “GDPR awareness”, especially “data protection by design” that GDPR advocates, in mind. “Data protection by design”, previously known as “privacy by design”, encourages business to implement technical and organizational measures, safeguard privacy and data protection principles within the full life cycle right from the start.

The Web of Things

Interoperability is one of the major challenges in the Internet of Things. The Web of Things addresses this challenge by providing a universal application layer protocol for the Things to talk to each other regardless of the physical and transport layer protocols used. Rather than reinventing the wheel, the Web of Things reuses existing and well-known web standards and web technologies. The Web of Things addresses Things via URLs and following standard APIs. Using the web as the framework makes things discoverable and linkable, and provides web developers with an opportunity to let people interact via a wide range of interfaces: screens, voice, gesture, augmented reality… even without an Internet connection!

Web of Things has been referred to as the application layer of the Internet of Things on many occasions. Bearing in mind though, the scope of IoT applications is broader and includes systems that are not necessarily accessible through the web. We prefer to think that the Web of Things is an option of an application layer added over the network layer of the traditional Internet of Things architecture.

The Web of Things is growing fast in its standardization and implementations. The W3C has launched the Web of Things Working Group to take a leading role at addressing the challenge of fragmentation of the IoT through standards. Early this year Mozilla announced the “Project Things” framework — an open framework of software and services that bridges the gap between devices via the web. The “Project Things” is a good reflection of Mozilla’s involvement in creating an open standard with the W3C around the Web of Things, and practical implementations that provide open interfaces to devices from different vendors.

For developers, the fast growth of the Web of Things has opened up a lot opportunities when we search for solutions for the Internet of Things. Let’s walk through an example to see what this means.

Imagine that you are a homeowner and just bought a new washing machine. To have the new device integrated into your smart home and be able to control or access it, here are some optional solutions that the Web of Things can offer:

  • Discover, pair and connect new devices around you via Physical Web and Web Bluetooth.
  • Control devices via a Progressive Web Application
  • Communicate with your device via an end-to-end encrypted channel provided by Mozilla Web of Things Gateway, locally and remotely.

So what are these technologies about? How do they address privacy and security concerns? Let’s walk through them in a bit more detail.

Physical Web and Web Bluetooth

The Physical Web is a discovery service based on Bluetooth Low Energy (B.L.E.) technology. In the Physical Web concept, any object or location can be a source of content and addressed using a URL. The idea is that smart objects broadcast relevant URLs to nearby devices by way of a BLE beacon.

The Physical Web has been brought into Samsung’s web browser, Samsung Internet, as an extension called CloseBy. When the browser handles the URL information received on the phone, “no personal information is included and our servers do not collect any information about users at all,” stated my colleague Peter O’Shaughnessy in his article on “Bringing the real world to your browser with CloseBy”.

Web Bluetooth is another technology based on Bluetooth Low Energy. Alongside efforts like the Physical Web, it provides a set of APIs to connect and control B.L.E. devices directly from web. With this web API, developers are able to build one solution that could work across all platforms. Although the API is still under development, there are already a few very cool projects and applications around. My colleague Peter has produced a Web Bluetooth Parrot Drone demo to give you a sense of controlling a physical device using a web browser. And I promise you that playing Jo’s Hedgehog Curling game is simply light and fun!

The Web Bluetooth Community Group aims to provide APIs that allow websites to communicate with devices in a secure and privacy-preserving way. Although some security features are already in place, for example, the site must be served over a secure connection (HTTPS) and discovering Bluetooth devices must be triggered by a user gesture , there are still lots security implications to consider as per the Web Bluetooth security model by Jeffrey Yasskin.

Samsung Internet had Web Bluetooth enabled for developers by default since v6.4 stable Release. With Physical Web and Web Bluetooth available, it is possible to have device on-boarding “just a tap away”.

Progressive Web Application

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are websites that deliver native app-like user experiences. They address issues in native mobile applications and websites with new design concepts and new Web APIs. Some key features of PWAs include:

  • “Add to Home Screen” prompts
  • Offline functionality
  • Fast loading from cache
  • (Optionally) web push notifications

These features are achieved by deploying a collection of technologies. Service Workers are the core of Progressive Web Apps and work in the background to power the offline functionality, push notifications and other striking features. With the app shell concept, PWAs can achieve a fast loading time by caching the basic shell of an application UI, while still loading fresh content when possible. The native install banner installs the mobile website to the homescreen with Web App Manifest support.

In PWAs, you can only register service workers on pages served over HTTPS. Since service workers process all network requests from the web app in the background, this is essential to prevent a man-in-the-middle attack. PWAs can work offline as we mentioned earlier. From privacy perspective, this potentially offers us possibilities to:

  • Minimize Collecting, storing, and using user data as much as possible.
  • Know where the data resides.

Since the term “Progressive Web Apps” was first coined by Google in 2015, we have seen big brands such as FT, Forbes and Twitter switching to PWAs in the last few years. Our Samsung Internet Developer Advocacy team has been actively contributing to and promoting this new technology [1] [2] [3] [4] [5], and even designed a community-approved Progressive Web Apps logo! Want to have hands-on experiences of PWAs? Check our demos on Podle, Snapwat, Airhorn VR, PWAcman and Biscuit Tin-der.

Mozilla “Project Things”

Mozilla “Project Things” aims at “building a decentralized ‘Internet of Things’ that is focused on security, privacy, and interoperability”, as stated by the company. The structure of the framework is shown as below -

  • Things Cloud. It provides a collection of IoT cloud services including supports for setup, backup, updates, 3rd party applications and services integration, and remote encrypted tunneling.
  • Things Gateway. Generally speaking the Things Gateway is the IoT connectivity hub for your IoT network.
  • Things Controllers. Smart devices such as smart speakers, tablets/phones, AR headsets etc, to control the connected Things.
  • Things Device Framework. It consists of a collection of sensors and actuators, or “Things” in the context of the Web of Things.

The “Things Project” has introduced an add-on system, which is loosely modeled after the add-on system in Firefox, to allow for the addition of new features or devices such as an adapter to the Things Gateway. My colleague Phil Coval has posted a blog explaining how to get started and establish basic automation using I2C sensors and actuators on a gateway’s device.

The framework has provided security and privacy solutions such as:

  • Secure remote access is achieved using HTTPS via encrypted tunneling. Basically, the “Things Project” provides a TLS tunnelling service via its registration server to allow people to easily set up a secure subdomain during first time setup . An SSL certificate is generated via LetsEncrypt and a secure tunnel from a Mozilla cloud server to the gateway is set up using PageKite.
  • The Things Gateway provides a system for safely authorizing third-party applications using the de-facto authorization standard OAuth 2.0. When a third-party application needs to access or control another person’s Things, it always requires consent from the Things’ owner. The owner can decide the scope of the access token granted to the third-party application. Things’ owner also has options to delete or revoke the tokens that are assigned to the third-party application. Details on this have been discussed at our recent blog “An End-to-End Web IoT Demo Using Mozilla Gateway” and talk “The Complex IoT Equation”.

Future work

GDPR challenges us all to re-prioritize digital privacy and to reconsider how and when we need to collect, manage and store people’s data. This is an opportunity for the the Web of Things. As the technology develops, some of the security and privacy issues have been or being addressed. Still, building the Web of Things has various challenges ahead. For developers, using the right technologies are a way forward to make the Internet of Things a better place. Join us on this exciting journey!



ziran sun
Samsung Internet Developers

Ziran Sun is an Open Source Engineer @samsungosg. She has been involved in a few open source projects, including webinos, blink/chromium and IoTivity