Game Dev Blog | SACNR // 23rd September

San Andreas Cops n Robbers
2 min readOct 7, 2018

It’s that time of the week again friends!

Hard work pays off and hopefully DeNim can now get some sleep, as he has finally secured himself 1st place on one of the lists after making it his goal! 40.5 hours of time played this week makes him the SACNR Addict of the week :)

potato came in at a reeeally close 2nd place with 40 hours, and BAHKS with 38 hours.

The rest of the players in the Top 10 Alive Time were:

Officer Tobs had a very close call with Officer [SS_Striker] this week, both contributing greatly to the 1981 arrests made, with one of them arresting a mere TWO more players than the other… who do you think won? Do you think Tobs is our Cop of the week again, or do you think Striker has overtaken him? If you guessed Striker… you were wrong. Officer Striker had 295 arrests while Officer Tobs had 297, making him our Top Cop for two weeks in a row! I guess we can expect his account to be mysteriously banned once Striker wakes up…

I’m sure Tobs’s ban will make =DCM=VipeR and Gelasius very sad, as they /cried more than everyone else this week! Maybe it will cheer them up to know that we collectively paid $217,059,022 in Medical Fees which is a HUGE increase from last week! I personally blame ABDULLAH for this, as he alone paid $33,301,630 in medfees… just to put this into perspective, the rest of the players paid less than $8M each… what were you doing, Adbullah?!

This week ScapeGoat robbed 23 different Businesses since last Sunday, and BAHKS robbed 75 Casinos! Seventy-five!!!

We peaked at 27 players online at a time over our 351 logins, and made 140 new friends this week.

Will DeNim still hold the top Alive Time spot next week? Will Tobs’s account mysteriously disappear while Striker arrests everyone? Will players stop abusing features and ruining the fun for everyone? Find out next week!

This article was written for as a part of SACNR’s game development blog.



San Andreas Cops n Robbers

Video game addict, crazy dog lady, occasional live-streamer, video editor & writer. My Medium page is a collation of the pieces I write for different companies.