Chants of Hindu Gods & Goddesses

Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Sanatan Dharma
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2014


Mantra — Stuti — Stotra — Chalisa — Arti

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Chants of Hindu Gods and Godesses in English Rhyme by Munindra Misra

GURGAON, India – Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. According to the CNN website, an estimated 13.8% of the world population is Hindu. Author Munindra Misra gives a glimpse into the heart and expression of this fascinating belief system in his new book, “Chants of Hindu Gods and Goddesses in English Rhyme” (published by Partridge India).

What sets this book apart from other English translations of the Hindu chants Mantras, Stotras, Stuti, Chalisa and Aarti is that, for the first time, these fascinating texts are presented in English rhyme. “Chants of Hindu Gods and Goddesses in English Rhyme” covers the most popular Hindu gods and goddesses including Lord Ganesh, Lord Shiv, Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna, Lord Ram, Lord Hanuman, Lord Shani, Ma Gayatri, Ma Durga, Ma Laxmi, Ma Mahakali, Ma Saraswati, Ma Ganga and Ma Santoshi. It also features a general description of each deity, which serves as a primer for first-timers.

Misra’s unique approach makes this volume easy to comprehend and its content easy to appreciate. It is a mustread for anyone in need of an introduction to the Sanatan Dharma or Hindu culture. “Chants of Hindu Gods and Goddesses in English Rhyme” offers an insightful and compelling cross section of one of the largest religions of the world. It will be of particular interest to the English-speaking Hindu population and anyone who enjoy studying religion and culture.

Various Chalisas (forty verses), Mantra, Stotra and Stuti written in Devnagari (Hindi), in praise of numerous Hindu Gods and Goddesses, have been composed by various sages since the Puranic Age.

The most popular deities’ works composed are done in English rhyme along with a `Primer’ for each of them. The objective is to assist the reader to appreciate and comprehend them easily – especially to those who are comfortable in English comprehension.

The original texts of these Gods & Goddesses are also present. eg.:

Rigveda: Book No 1. Hyme No. 164 verse 46:

“एकं सद् विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति”

“Truth, one and the same be,

Wise describe it differently”

- X — X -

असतोमा सत्गामय, तमसोमा ज्योतिर्गमय,

मृत्योर्मा अमृतंगमय — ॐ शांति शांति शांति

- बृहदारण्यक उपनिषद् 1.3.28.

From the unreal to the real — Lead us

From the darkness to light — guide us

From death to immortality — escort us

Let peace reign supreme between us.

Munindra (Munnan) Misra, for the first time in English rhyme, provides an enlightening view of many ancient holy books on Hinduism and Hindu (Sanatan Dharma) culture. His works display the deep inner meaning of its varied holy texts.

The simplicity, clarity and lucidity of his writings help the global English reader to easily comprehend the illusive original Sanskrit and Hindi works.

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Available: 1. Globally 2. India a)Flipkart b)Amazon

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Available: 1. Globally 2. India a)Flipkart b)Amazon



Munindra (Munnan) Misra
Sanatan Dharma

Author: Site Munindra Misra works are on Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) in English rhyme covering Upnishads, Gita, Mantra Chalisa etc,