हसच्चारुवक्त्रं — The Ever Smiling

Sanatana Dharma
Published in
7 min readJul 15, 2022
Photo by Parag Gaikwad on Unsplash

||ॐ श्री गणेशाय नमः||

चिदानन्दरूपं : The One whose Form is eternally Pleasing
मनोज्ञस्वरूपं : The One whose Form attracts the mind
ध्रुतानेकरूपं : The One who has taken several Forms (He is the Father, the Mother, the Everything)
जराजन्महीनं : The One who is enlightened
परानन्दपीनं : The One who emits eternal happiness
समाधानलीनं : The One who is peaceful
सदैवानवीनं : The One who always seems New
कृताम्नायगानं : The one who sings Vedas
श्रुतिव्रातसारं : The One who is the essence of Vedas

- taken from Shri Hari Stotram

भजेऽहं भजेऽहं — We worship our Guru Bhagwan -भजेऽहं भजेऽहं


Pundalik(Pundarik) was an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu. He served his parents well and looked after all their needs and comforts. Seeing Pundalik’s sincere devotion and service towards his parents, Lord Vishnu was extremely pleased.

When the Lord Vishnu reached Pundalik’s ashrama, Pundalik was serving his elderly parents. So Pundalik gave the Lord a seat of brick and asked the Lord to wait. The Lord stood on brick, lotus hands on His hips, waiting for Pundalik to return.

Once he completed his duties towards his parents, Pundalik came out and apologized for forgiveness to Lord Vishnu, but Lord was more than pleased with his single mindedness and adoration for his parents and offered him a boon. Pundalik said “Please stay on earth and bless all your devotees,” so Lord Vishnu stayed on at Pandharpur as Lord Vitthala, or the one who stands on a brick.

Thank you Lord for showing me the path to serve my family.


भगवान दत्तात्रेय माता अनुसूया एवं महर्षि अत्री के पुत्र रहे | ब्रह्माजी के मानस पुत्र महर्षि अत्री सप्तऋषियों मे से एक हैं | माता अनुसूया कर्दम ऋषि की ९ कन्याओं मे एक एवं संखयशास्त्र के प्रवक्ता कपिलदेव की बहन थी| माता अनुसूया के पतिधर्म अर्थात सतीत्व के कारण इनको सती अनुसूया भी कहा जाता है |

नाथ संप्रदाय के प्रथम गुरु भगवान दत्तात्रेय को त्रिदेव — ब्रह्म, विष्णु, महेश का स्वरूप माना जाता है |

एक दिन यदु राजा ने भगवान दत्तात्रेय से उनके गुरु के बारे मे प्रश्न किया | भगवान गुरु दत्तात्रेय ने उनसे कहा की मेरे २४ गुरु हैं जिनसे मैंने संसार का रहस्य प्राप्त किया |

भगवान दत्तात्रेय कहते हैं “मैं इस परमानन्द अवस्था में अपने गुरु के कारण हूँ |

प्रकृती(पृथ्वी), वायु , आकाश , जल, अग्नि , चंद्रमा , पिंगल, अजगर , महासागर , कीटक , मधुमाखी , कबूतर, शहद निकालने वाला मनुष्य , हिरण, हाथी , मछली , पतंगा, बाज़ , शिशु, अविवाहित कन्या , सांप , तीर (धनुष) बनाने वाला , मकड़ी, भृंगी |

भगवान ने प्रत्येक का वर्णन करते हुए यदु राजा से कहा की उन्होंने सहनशक्ति, दान, धर्म पालन, कर्तव्य पालन, वैराग्य , समानता , दान , भक्ति , संतुष्टि, आत्मसम्मान, इच्छाओं , मोह ,आकर्षण और निराशा से बचना, परमानन्द, अविचलित, एकाग्रता का ज्ञान प्राप्त किया हैं इसलिए वह सब मेरे गुरु हैं |


A disciple went to a house for alms for His Guru and himself. The Women in that house offered abundantly . The disciple happily went back to the Master and shared happily. On next day, The Master asked disciple to get dishes from the same house. The disciple went to the house and asked. But the women said: “Yesterday we had a feast. So I gave you delicious food. How can I prepare that kind of food every day?” The disciple said: “Mother, my Guru wants it. It is my duty to get it somehow.” The woman said: “If your Guru asks for your eyes, will you pluck them out and give them to him?” The disciple replied without hesitation: Yes, I will.” The women said: “Then for a test, give me your eye-balls, and I will give you the same nice dishes.” The disciple started pulling out his eye-balls. The women cried and asked to stop and immediately offered the dishes”. The disciple happily brought the dishes to his Guru. The Master said, I wanted to find out how strong is your devotion to me. Now I am satisfied.” Thereafter the Master taught the disciple all the secrets of Yoga. The Master in this story is Guru MatsyendraNath, the disciple of Lord Dattatreya and the disciple is Guru GorakhNath, who led the foundation for Nath Sampradaya.


Om Sai Ram. Whenever I felt pain, I ran upto you to cry whole heartedly and shared. I pleaded and you heard. You always taught Shraddha and Saburi and yet I could not quite get it, so you showed me the Guru. I am immensely grateful to you Baba for your love and blessings. This post can not be complete without offering Naman to you.

वसे जो सदा दावया संतलीला।
दिसे अज्ञ लोकापरी जो जनाला॥
परी अंतरी ज्ञान कैवल्यदाता ।
नमस्कार साष्टांग श्रीसाइनाथा ||
— नमस्काराष्टक


When I was in class 5 or 6(or may be 7), my school participated in singing competition organized at Shri Ramakrishna Mission. 2–3 groups from our school participated. We all prepared in a group for song — “Ae malik tere bande hum..” under my teacher’s guidance. My teacher asked us to replace Malik with Swami while singing which we did. I always tried to participate in the singing competition only to get rejected in pre-preliminary phase itself. Not sure, how I got selected here. Anyways, we did got the prize for this song thanks to all friends who really sang well and received many books plus photo frame of Swami Vivekananda, Shri Ramakrishna and Maa Sharada. Unfortunately, none of those books I read and neither I knew about Shri Ramakrishna and Maa Sharada. My knowledge about Swami Vivekananda was also close to nothing. I take this as a opportunity to at least share what we learnt that day, the song. I am removing some lines now as I offer this to Swamiji.

स्वामी जी आपके बंदे हम , ऐसे हो हमारे करम

नेकी पर चले और बदी से टले , ताकि हँसते हुए निकले दम |

हैं आपकी रोशनी मे वो दम ,जो अमावस को करदे पूनम

नेकी पर चले और बदी से टले , ताकि हँसते हुए निकले दम |

बड़ा कमजोर हैं आदमी , अब भी लाखों हैं इसमैं कमी

पर आप जो खड़े हैं दयालु बड़ें, आपकी कृपा से धरती थमी |

बढ़ उठे प्यार का हर कदम और मिटे बैर का ये भरम

नेकी पर चले और बदी से टले , ताकि हँसते हुए निकले दम ||


हरि रस पीया जानिये, कबहू न जाए खुमार ।
मैमता घूमत फिरे, नाही तन की सार ॥
कबीर जी कहते हैं जिस व्यक्ति ने परमात्मा के अमृत को चख लिया हो, वह सारा समय उसी नशे में मस्त रहता है। उसे न अपने शरीर कि, न ही रूप और भेष कि चिंता रहती है।

कामी क्रोधी लालची,इनसे भक्ति ना होय।
भक्ति करै कोई सूरमा, जाति बरन कुल खोय॥
कबीर जी कहते हैं जिन लोगों में काम, क्रोध और लालच रहता है,उन लोगो से भक्ति नहीं हो सकती।

भक्ति बिन नहिं निस्तरे, लाख करे जो कोय।
शब्द सनेही होय रहे, घर को पहुँचे सोय॥
कबीर जी कहते हैं भक्ति के बिना मुक्ति संभव नहीं हैचाहे कोई लाख प्रयत्न कर ले।जो सतगुरु के वचनों को (शब्दों को) ध्यान से सुनता है और उनके बताये मार्ग पर चलता है,वे ही अपने लक्ष्य को प्राप्त कर सकते है।

भक्ति भक्ति सब कोई कहै, भक्ति न जाने भेद।
पूरण भक्ति जब मिलै, कृपा करे गुरुदेव॥
कबीर जी कहते हैं भक्ति भक्ति हर कोई कहता है अर्थात सभी लोग भक्ति करना चाहते हैं, किन्तु भक्ति कैसे की जाए, यह भेद नहीं जानते।पूर्ण भक्ति अर्थात सच्ची भक्ति तभी हो सकती है,जब गुरुदेव की कृपा होती है।

-source : https://www.bhaktiyogdarshan.com/dohe/kabir-dohe-bhakti-meaning.html

आपसे यही प्रार्थना हैं की हम भक्ति के रस को प्राप्त करने योग्य बने |


अयं निजः परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम्।

उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्॥

- Verse from Maha Upanishad

The distinction “This person is mine, and this one is not” is made only by the narrow-minded (i.e. the ignorant who are in duality). For those of noble conduct , the Supreme Truth is that The whole world is one family”. [Source: Wikipedia]

Swami Vivekananda says All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything.

Home away from home, I found another Home,
Love and Compassion flows here,
The Nature is in complete harmony here,
Everything moving yet the stillness is here,
Everything within and around seems to be in sync here,
Home away from home, I found Vasudev Kutumbakam here.


We are glad to watch today Abhishekam at Lotus Feet of Swami ji by Vidya Swami ji. His immense adoration, Bhakti, Love for Swami Ji is always mesmerizing.

जल समान शीतल गुर की पादुका को जल अर्पित करती हूँ ,

पुष्प समान कोमल हृदयवान गुरु की पादुका को सुगंधित पुष्प अर्पित करती हूँ ,

हाथ जोड़कर शीश झुकाकर पूरे मन से आपको नमन करती हूँ ,

नमो नमः श्री गुरु पादुकाभ्याम् ||

आवाहनं न जानामि न जानामि विसर्जनम्, पूजां चैव न जानामि क्षम्यताम परमेश्वर
मंत्रहीनं क्रियाहीनं भक्तिहीनं सुरेश्वर , यत्पूजितं मया देवा परिपूर्ण तदस्तु मे ||


Amid Navaratri last week, I was wondering what can I offer Guru Bhagwan, from not knowing where, I got a thought to dedicate 9 days of writing 9 post to Guru Bhagwan, It was evening, with slight fear I started counting days from next day onwards and it was a mere coincidence it exactly was completing with 9 days on Guru Purnima.

I have only consolidated strotam, stutis written by Adi Guru and other blogs, shared by beautifully in books and blogs. so 9th day has to be special with wonderful devotees doing abhishekam at Ashram, I thought of offering this 9th post with short 9 posts within. Thank you Guru Bhagwan for giving me this opportunity.

ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते ।
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

originally posted at https://os.me/short-stories/हसच्चारुवक्त्रं/

