Improvement- A Wise Virtue

Sanatana Dharma
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2022

(Improving everyday)

Photo by Jungwoo Hong on Unsplash

What to do when our intense physical discomfort eventually breaches the threshold and we ain’t able to curb it down with the homely remedies? Well, we finally make an appointment with the concerned doctor for a proper diagnoses and she/he gives us medication and poof! Here comes a final relief. Also, often on a random regular check-up, somethings can be caught early on and be prevented from worsening or causing any mishappening.

That was about our physical health but what about our spiritual health? Do all of us have access to the physical presence of our spiritual guru twenty four-seven? No. So, in such a case, half of the spiritual problems will be solved if we are true to our own selves. When we stop telling ourselves stories and have the courage to face our own faults by reaching a simple why-what-how of certain situations, we find that we actually have nobody to blame. Our life is a collection of our own choices, actions, speeches and our own karma. So, whether we like something or we don’t, we simply have to ask our hearts, why is it so? With such questionnaire, we will reach some harsh truths about ourselves! Be ruthless while inquiring about yourself and bare yourself peel after peel like a corn till you reach the ultimate golden seed of causes which is stopping you from reaching the Divine which already resides within you! Are you selfish? Greedy? Impatient? Intolerant? Conditioned? Unkind? Well, we ain’t perfect souls anyway but we always have the possibility to improve. Swami had said that the fact that we are alive, means Nature wants us and it is the same benevolent Mother Nature that will never forget us! So, let us make efforts to improve ourselves each day, everyday. Through improvement, we become ready to receive the Divine grace and without improvement, we become stagnant and stale, a condition which even we won’t cherish and readily put the blame on others!

Adiguru Shankaracharya had correctly pointed out in his lovely “Bhavani Ashtakam”-

भवाब्धावपारे महादुःखभीरु

पपात प्रकामी प्रलोभी प्रमत्तः ।

कुसंसारपाशप्रबद्धः सदाहं

गतिस्त्वं गतिस्त्वं त्वमेका भवानि ॥ (2)


2.1: In this Ocean of Worldly Existence which is Endless, I am full of Sorrow and Very much Afraid,

2.2: I have Fallen with Excessive Desires and Greed, Drunken and Intoxicated,

2.3: Always Tied in the Bondage of this miserable Samsara (worldly existence),

2.4: You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.

All by Your grace! 🌺🙏

Jai Shri Hari! 😇

Meaning of the verse taken from-

