Shri Guru Paduka Panchakam

Sanatana Dharma
Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2022
Photo by AARN GIRI on Unsplash

|| ॐ गं गुरवे नमः ||

जगज्जनि-स्तेम-लयालयाभ्यां अगण्य-पुण्योदय-भाविताभ्याम्।
त्रयीशिरोजात-निवेदिताभ्यां नमो नमः श्रीगुरुपादुकाभ्यम्॥१॥

Jagajjanisthe ma layalayabhyam, Aganya punyodhaya bhavithabhyam,
Thrayee sirojatha nivedithabhyam, Namo nama Guru padukabhyam ||1||

Salutations and salutations to the paduka (sandal) of the Guru, Which is the cause of creation, upkeep and destruction of all the worlds , which can be attained only through limitless amount of good deeds, And which is being talked about the Vedanthas.

विपत्तमस्तोम-विकर्तनाभ्यां विशिष्ट-संपत्ति-विवर्धनाभ्याम्।
नमज्जनाशेष-विशेषदाभ्यां नमो नमः श्रीगुरुपादुकाभ्याम्॥२॥

Vipathamasthamo vikarthanabhyam, Visishta sampathiha vivardhanabhyam,
Nama janasesha visesham dhabhyam, Namo nama Guru padukabhyam ||2||

Salutations and salutations to the paduka of the Guru, Which is the sun, which dispels the darkness of dangers, which increases more and more invaluable wealth, And which blesses attainments on people who worship it.

निराश्रयाभ्यां निखिलाश्रयाभ्यां नमो नमः श्रीगुरुपादुकाभ्याम्॥३॥

Samastha dustharka kalanka banga,Panodhana prouda jalashayabhyam,
Nirasrayabhyam nikhilasrayabhyam,Namo nama Guru padukabhyam ||3||

Salutations and salutations to the paduka of the Guru, Which is the water in the lake that washes and cleans the stained knowledge created by false arguments, which is not dependent on any other thing, And which is depended upon by every other thing.

तापत्रयादित्य-करार्दितानां छायामयीभ्यां अतिशीतलाभ्याम्।
आपन्न-संरक्षण-दीक्षिताभ्यां नमो नमः श्रीगुरुपादुकाभ्याम्॥४॥

Thaprayadhithya kararthithanam, Chayamayeebhyam aathiseethalbhyam,
Aapanna samrakshana deekshithabhyam, Namo nama Guru padukabhyam ||4||

Salutations and salutations to the paduka of the Guru, Which provides shade which is very cool to those burnt by the three types of sufferings, and which has assumed protection of those affected by dangers as its primary duty.

यतो गिरोऽप्राप्य धिया समस्ता ह्रिया निवृत्ताः सममेव नित्याः।
ताभ्यामजेशाच्युत-भाविताभ्यां नमो नमः श्रीगुरुपादुकाभ्याम्॥५॥

Yatho giro aaprapya diya samastha, Hriya nivrutha samameva nithya,
Thabhyamajesachyutha bhavithabhyam, Namo nama Guru padukabhyam ||5||

Salutations and salutations to the paduka of the Guru, which makes all knowledge retreat with shame when it tries to logically describe its greatness and which is being praised by Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.

This beautiful stotram is composed by Shri Adi Shankaracharya with five verses called “Guru Paduka Panchakam”. These five verses were sung by the Shri Adi Shankaracharya when he went first to meet his Guru Shri Govinda BhagawatPada on the banks of river Narmada.

Although its beautifully translated at above source, I would like to add my interpretation in few words. In the first verse, in my view, it is the development of Bhakti, upkeep of good Karmas and destruction of all the worldly desires. The second verse which describes about resulting in increasing more and more valuable wealth looks like invaluable wisdom.

Sanskrit shloka source : Beautifully sung at

English Translation and Transliteration source :

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गुरु भगवन आपने क्षण प्रतिक्षण आराधना कर माँ और ठाकुर जी को प्राप्त किया,

किन्तु आप अनंत ब्रह्मांड के समान करुणामयी हैं जो एक भावरहित प्रार्थना से ही मुझको आपके दर्शन करने का अवसर दिया |

कभी खुशी मे कभी दुख मे निकले मेरे प्रश्नों की कोई गिनती नहीं,

क्षीरसागर से भी गहरे आपके वात्सल्य की कोई सीमा नहीं |

नमन हैं आपको, मेरे शिव रूपी साई बाबा और जगत माता को ,

जिनकी कृपा से इस जीवन मे आपके दर्शन की प्राप्ति हुई |

दर्शाते नहीं किन्तु असीम प्रेम आप सबसे करते हैं ,

एक पिता की ही भांति अपने प्रेम को अंदर छुपाकर रखते हैं |

नहीं जानती की यह भक्ति हैं या की कोई मेरा छलावा, आप तो सब देख पाते हैं भगवन ,

कभी इतनी और कृपा हो अर्पण कर सकु आपके चरणों मे अपनी भक्ति |

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Originally published this post at

