That Shiny Floor

Sanatana Dharma
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2022
Paramshakti Maa (Image of Maa Lalita)

I have heard a million times

About the grace of your shadows

That exists despite the Light

Wherever you may go;

But O My Maa! My heart is stolen

By your reflection on that shiny floor

And I saw a flower landing there

Smoothly, escaping your hair, combed.

My thoughts are packed and crowded

My heart- an ocean of desires.

Midst that chunk and junk that’s loaded

I know, Love is what I aspire!

And Maa, so long I had been

Looking at your face- Luminous!

You, I tried to endure and perceive

But failed I stood- confused, tumultuous!

So, I leave Divinity up to you

You may decide what to do

For I have now seen where you sit-

The glazing floor on whom each

Bows down to your silence or speech!

A starry night- The black stone

Stands you, grandeur adorned

That floor fills me with jealousy

As it sees your supremacy-

Everyday when the lights are lit,

It wakes up with you

And upon its shine is your image studded

Like the jewels of your Divine hue!

And when I look deep within

Myself- An impure, gross view!

Aghast! Alas! What did I see?

Selfishness grabbed with a glee?

I am in denial but I can not deny.

What to hide from your omniscience high?

May that floor be my heart

May I see you everyday.

A reflecting casket, a clean mind

And impurities far away at bay.

Let me be the floor, O Maa!

May you sit in my heart’s room

May my devotion be the guards at gate

That shuns everything leading to doom.

May You be the empress of my heart

And I be the devotee at your feet

May the Siddhashrama be created within

May I shut my eyes and see you all across me!

Jaya Ambe Hare

Jagdambe Hare

Jaya Jaya Jagjanni

Ambe Hare!

(I offer this poem at the holy feet of Swami and my Divine Mommy.)

