What Does Neptune Mean in Astrology?

Everything you need to know about Neptune, the planet that rules Pisces

Sanctuary World
1 min readSep 8, 2020


Neptune is an outer planet and takes approximately 14 years to transit each sign. This planet rules the zodiac sign of Pisces. It’s often associated with our most dreamy and subconscious realms.

On a good day, Neptune’s placement in our natal charts points to how we develop our psychic powers, creativity, and emotional intuition.

On a bad day, Neptune in the natal chart exposes our blind spots: the areas of life we romanticize, idealize, or refuse to acknowledge.

Neptune spends nearly 40 percent of its orbit in retrograde — that’s about 150 days! So, in many ways, Neptune’s backward glide defines its spirit. Neptune represents fantasy and illusion, so during the planet’s reverse phase, we are encouraged to backpedal through the fog. Neptune retrograde isn’t about clarity. It’s about sitting in the discomfort and embracing the unknown.

Want to learn more about the placement of Neptune in your birth chart? Chat with an astrologer in the Sanctuary app for a reading!



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