We’re open sourcing our Digital Studio

Hugh Francis
Sanctuary Computer Inc
2 min readMar 23, 2017


Hi friend!

Today we’re announcing that over the next year, we’re going start Open Sourcing the way that we do business at Sanctuary Computer (Sanctuary, Sanctu Compu or SC).

Sanctuary is a forward thinking user interface development shop based in Chinatown, Manhattan. We’re team of technologists that hail from design, art, music or food backgrounds, to realize design & development requirements to the highest possible quality.

We’re all about hospitality — and transparency is a big part of that.

Over the last year we’ve focused on building strong, transparent bonds with our partners & clients. We’ve also been experimenting with diverging from a traditional “agency” model, and instead viewing our client relationships in a partnership light.

…you can read more about that here:

…or over here:

However! We feel that same hospitality thinking can extend to the peers in our industry, too!

So starting today, and for the foreseeable future, we’re going to be doing what we can to share our learnings, profit margins and internal documents, to help others enter the space, and cultivate a culture of generosity in the industry.

And like any good tech studio, it’s all going to be happening on Github.

Up next — The Dogma of Sanctu Compu.

Love Hugh & the Sanctuary team.

