Discover Your Love Language with Venus

No matter what your sign, the stars hold the key to the best way to connect to your heart and build romantic connections.

Sanctuary World
6 min readFeb 9, 2021


By: Astrologer Six

In the spirit of pleasure and admiration, let’s explore the romance of the planet of beauty and love. In astrology, Venus symbolizes how we pursue and receive love and pleasure.

If you have Venus in a cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), you approach love from the mode of activity, making one of your main love languages acts of service or gift giving. Whereas someone with a fixed Venus (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) relies on love and affection to be sustained through affirmation and nurturance, aka words of affirmation and physical touch. Mutable Venus placements (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) require more flexibility between their love languages, sometimes love is expressed through their intentional inaction. Occasionally, they will require some type of overt proclamation.

To help you solidify your Valentine’s Day this February, explore your Venus sign to find the best way to express (and receive) love. For further information on your Venus sign be sure to check the Sanctuary app and locate your Venus placement for guidance.

Aries Venus — Be authentic

Dating an Aries Venus is somewhat like interviewing for a job. Once you’re face to face, the hard work is done. Capturing your interest is the hard part. Aries is an extremely straightforward sign — once you’re invested, you’re ready to give your love freely. A cardinal Venus sign means you have better things to do than waste your time on someone you don’t want. Your fiery energy requires passion, attraction, and desire. If you don’t burn for them, then you’ll get bored of them. What you crave is authenticity. To capture the interest of an Aries, the best mode of action is just be yourself.

Taurus Venus — Indulge the physical

Taurus Venus likes to feel good, metaphorically and literally. The best way to seduce a Taurus Venus is by appealing to their senses. An offer of a massage will go far. Look for partners that are willing to go the extra mile to set the scene and learn what scents, aesthetics, and flavors invoke comfort. That can be achieved by catering to their soreness, stressors, or by pleasing their stomach. Sensuality and culinary seduction are exactly how they get you.

Gemini Venus — Be Experimental

To have a Venus in the sign Gemini is to have a lot of mixed feelings and occasionally taboo thoughts. Being a mutable Venus, this placement has a strong desire to experiment, explore, and understand. Gemini is ruled by the non-conforming and physically active planet Mercury. Mercury has a reputation for being fast, literally — Mercury travels through space faster than any other planet. Like their planetary ruler, Gemini Venus people tend to hit the ‘next’ button faster than the other Venus signs, which means that if someone can’t keep up intellectually or creativity then they might be out of luck. Let them know what you’re curious about, and see if they can keep up.

Cancer Venus — Be Cozy

A Cancer Venus appreciates comfort, both with and without a partner. Blankets, pillows, and scented candles are all ways to soothe your soul. As a cardinal Venus, this placement does have the compulsion to show their care within relationships. This can look like cooking meals or making plenty of time for cuddling. With your Venus in the sign Cancer, it’s best to look for someone who you can spend plenty of quiet time with. If they can’t close their eyes and snuggle up with you, then you might not feel that they’re the one.

Leo Venus — Live Proud

With a Venus in Leo, there is no keeping anything in the closet when you’re in love. The sun’s brightness is a metaphor for the expectations you have. When in love, you are proud and bold. Look for someone who will dress to the nines with you, and happily show you off. Confidence will get contenders far with this fiery energy, but try to refrain from expecting unsustainable love languages (they can’t give you 100% attention all the time.) Consistency is key with this fixed Venus, because once you are invested, you expect the same level of treatment throughout the relationship.

Virgo Venus — Choose Consideration

Virgo Venus people feel the most attractive when you’re inspired enough to care. Your mutable energy enables you to consciously let go and move away from meaningless interactions. While you prefer to maintain crushes and relationships, you understand that there’s no use holding onto a crumbling foundation. The way to your heart is a willingness to be open and patient. Being on the receiving end of the same level of consideration you show others will influence the amount of trust you have for them. Find someone who will take the time to get to know you and pay attention to your subtle clues.

Libra Venus — Be Peaceful

When Venus is in Libra, there is a need for a cardinal kind of care. You want to show your lover your affection through their ability to be “understanding” and “available.” With somewhat of a bleeding heart, Venus in Libra people are constantly opening themselves to the adoption process. It comes from a genuine place — you have a deep appreciation for partnership and closeness! Try to remain open to compromise. Celebrate your Venus sign love by ensuring that those on the receiving end are being just as vulnerable and available to achieve a healthy balance.

Scorpio Venus — Love Loyally

Loving a person with Venus in Scorpio means continually reinvesting in that desire and romance. It is not that Scorpio Venus people expect undying commitment, at least not in the early stages. But your Venus is in a fixed sign, so you know you emotionally invest yourself entirely once you know it’s safe. The key to keeping your heart is knowing how to communicate with you, even if that means knowing when to convey closure. Scorpios may be sensitive, but considering that you are ruled by Pluto, you appreciate a clear vision.

Sagittarius Venus — An Adventure

When your Venus is in Sagittarius, you want love to feel like a choose-your-own-adventure game. You like options and want a partner who’s expansive in your willingness to explore. Spontaneous trips and surprise staycations inspire you, as do big ideas, languages, and philosophy. You appreciate a partner who exhibits an open mind and an awareness of the world you share. Extra sexy? Someone who intellectually stimulates you — you appreciate a challenge.

Capricorn Venus — The Commitment

Listen, Capricorn is a Saturn-ruled zodiac sign which means a Saturn-ruled Venus (talk about love with carefully constructed walls.) Saturn is the planet of blocks and boundaries, and people have to work hard to gain access to your heart. Venus in Capricorn people expect their partners to stick around, even when things get tough. You understand that life isn’t always sunshine and roses, which is why sometimes those boundaries are necessary. The way to show a Venus in Capricorn love is being there and sticking around, even when times are tough and tensions are high. Perhaps give them space if the latter starts happening.

Aquarius Venus — Bending Boundaries

Of all the Venus signs, Aquarius is the one that has aspirations for true love. Just because you look at the long game when it comes to love, doesn’t mean you don’t genuinely care. Being ruled by Saturn and being a fixed sign, you want stability and a strong foundation. You’re understanding of others’ flaws and even capable of compromising on your desires to make sure love lasts. In return, you want to feel accepted and valued for who you are, even when your interests and self-expression may be a little unconventional. Aquarius Venus people want a revolutionary love, anything less is not worth your time.

Pisces Venus — Transcend Barriers

People with Venus in Pisces are dreamers, period. You enjoy luxuriating in the positive feelings of love, even if it is based on an illusion and half-truth. You are more likely to enter long-distance relationships or travel far and wide for the possibility of a soul match. However, you can suffer while in relationships because of your sensitive nature and high-in-the-sky standards. Sometimes you can get their hopes up too high, then be deeply saddened by the gravity of reality. Look for a love that appeals to your imagination and fuels their creative energy, but still grounds you in the practical realities of real partnership.

Six is an Inclusive Astrologer, Intimacy Doula, Human Sexuality Ph.D. Dropout and all-around Sagittarius. Follow her on YouTube and TikTok.



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