Is Better Sex In Your Stars? These Horoscopes Think So.

These R-Rated horoscopes may be a little NSFW, but they’re here to light up your love life and get sparks flying.

Sanctuary World
7 min readFeb 10, 2021


by Jamie Wright

2021 is off to a dramatic start in all directions, but what’s in the stars for our sex lives? How can we fornicate for a better future? On a collective level, Venus (how we connect) is in self-reliant Aquarius for most of the month — along with basically every other planet in the sky — while Mars (how we act on our desires) is in touchy-feely Taurus. Until Venus moves into Pisces on the 25th — where the love planet functions like a couple’s massage at a luxury hotel — and things take a turn for the extremely sensual, there’s going to be a balancing act between knowing what we want and getting what we need. Let’s dive in and see how we can most easily reach peak pleasure for each sign.


Yeah, sex is cool and all but have you ever tried sex magic? What even is that you ask? Sex magic is literally casting spells with our orgasms. Whether you believe in it or not, with all the ventures you’re getting off the ground, you need pleasure to relieve the stress. So why not make it a ritual? The simplest way to get started — alone or with a partner — is to set intentions and visualize what you want before doing the deed. Your spells might be especially potent after the Sun moves into the oceanic depths of Pisces on the 18th when you can more easily access your intuitive side.


With Mars in your sign this month, you’re oozing HBIC energy. If despite this you’re still not having the sex you want, the New Moon on the 11th is your moment to be bold about declaring your needs and setting rules in the bedroom. TBH, your vibe is fierce but intimidating so sex isn’t going to happen unless you initiate it. Embrace that power and be the dom you wish to see in the world. Then the Full Moon on the 27th lights up your pleasure sector and sets you up to feel like the Tarot’s depiction of the Empress: both worshipped and carefree.


Whether you’re composing epic love poems to a long-distance lover, plotting a clandestine affair with the instructor of your virtual pilates class, or spending all your lunch breaks reading up on tantric yoga, you’re taking a deep dive into all of your fantasies. More than usual, you want sex that’s like an erotic riddle, constantly engaging your mind. Just be sure you’re staying grounded and not sending any of your steamy DMs to the wrong person because Mercury retrograde — through the 20th — is keeping you hot, bothered, and messy with the details. Though “an oops wrong text” to the right person could also open up yet another Pandora’s box of pleasure.


You’ve wanted to explore some new sexual frontiers for a long time, but you’ve been too nervous to put those intentions out into the universe. But with all of the planets gathering like a true magical coven in your house of all things taboo — well, the spell has been cast, your secret is out and you better start exploring your kinkier side. Roleplaying, splurging on those freaky sex toys, or just screaming during orgasms like you’ve never screamed before: the world is your oyster. If you’re partnered or poly, and experimenting with power dynamics, the Full Moon in Virgo on the 27th creates a space to communicate your boundaries.


Everyone knows you’re the boss, but your sex life could benefit from you leaning into the submissive. With most of the planets piling up in the part of your chart that represents other people (especially bossy Saturn), your assignment is to take someone else’s lead. Wait for your partner to initiate and resist the urge to text that hottie first. If the anticipation is killing you, trust that the wait only makes the sex hotter. By the end of the month as the Sun and Venus move into Pisces, you can release your inhibitions about your kinks. Why weren’t you letting someone else call the shots all along? Remember: orgasms are about losing control.


You know when you have sex for the first time after a long dry spell and everyone notices the glow? It’s not just a coincidence! Regular sex improves your health. But with constant demands on your time this month, you’re going to forget to get it on if you don’t consciously schedule it. Build in at least an hour every week — or every day if you’re freaky like that — to reach orgasmic bliss. This includes making time for solo sex as well! You’re otherwise going to feel burnt out — especially around the Full Moon in Virgo on the 27th — so remember that even a quick makeout session is self care.


Because Aquarius is the sign on the cusp of your 5th house of pleasure, you love to experiment in the bedroom — within given boundaries of course. So with most of the planets now gathering in the waterbearer’s sign, you’re feeling the pressure to explore every fetish, try all the sex toys, and win the award for most orgasms. What you need to do though is get back to basics. When you’re not trying so hard to be on the cutting edge, what really turns you on? An old-fashioned bathtime masturbation sesh or some plain vanilla sex with your partner might be the real innovation. Sex doesn’t have to be so complicated.


Mercury retrograde this month lets you slow down and review the tapes, but try not to go on another nostalgia bender. When has diving into the archives to find a hookup or even just a flirtationship ever panned out in real romance? The pileup of planets in Aquarius is taking you back to your roots and making you confront some inherited beliefs about sex and pleasure. Don’t you think your ancestors want you to get laid? They made those sacrifices so you could thrive, including getting your freak on without inhibitions! Cry, masturbate and work on yourself so you can better assert your needs with a partner when the Sun and Venus move into your pleasure sector at the end of the month.


Mercury retrograde is keeping you and your usual rotation of lovers busy this month. Instead of getting frustrated with having to reschedule, accept that it’s just not happening IRL and embrace the art of the sext. It’s time to step up your game from just sending nudes and calling it a day to some full-on erotic personal fanfiction. If you’re totally single and have nowhere to put these burning desires, try journaling out these lusty fantasies. IRL sexual encounters pick up after the 25th when Venus moves into Pisces — where the planet gets what its heart desires — aspecting sensual Mars in Taurus, giving you the stamina to go all night long.


Your lockdown lust is at an all-time high as hot and heavy Mars spends all month gliding through your fifth house of sex and romance, torturing you with memories of flirting with abandon in the Before Times. Mars is in obstinate Taurus — a sign that prioritizes earthy, grounded, sensual pleasures and doesn’t hear “no” for an answer — so you have no choice but to satisfy these primal cravings. You might have to get extremely literal and dive into some food play — who doesn’t feel hot when they’re taking a bite out of a strawberry? Or at the very least, make yourself a fancy charcuterie board to enjoy after some self-pleasure.


With Venus vibing in your sign this month, this is not a time to be cheap with indulgences. You look sexy and feel sexy! Whether or not you’re partnered, pleasuring yourself is what’s keeping you happy right now. You don’t need anyone else to give you all the attention you crave! Get yourself that lace bodysuit or a special treat, indulge your fantasies with those expensive sex toys you’ve had your eye on, and delight in your own pleasure palace. Love on yourself so hard that any long-term partners start to wonder if you’re keeping a secret around the Full Moon on the 27th. Things are undeniably hotter when you pleasure yourself first and keep up an air of mystery.


With most of the planets gathering in your 12th house of self-undoing this month, you’re beginning to question whether you even have a body — especially at the New Moon on the 11th when the Aquarius pileup is at peak saturation. That being said, your sexual adventures should focus on pulling you out of the void. Grab some salves and some bath salts and don’t be shy about asking your lovers (or yourself) for a soak and full body massage. Go slow and remember there’s no such thing as too much attention. Thankfully Venus enters your sign on the 25th where the love planet turns the indulgence way up, emboldening you to be selfish and bratty in bed.



Sanctuary World

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