Why Your Rising Sign Is Important For Your Romantic Compatibility

Everything you need to know about what your rising sign means for your compatibility.

Sanctuary World
4 min readOct 8, 2020


By: Nyssa Grazda

Many people know their astrological sun sign, but if you’re looking for insight into your ideal romantic match, scoping your rising sign is one of the best kept secrets. The rising sign is the zodiac sign that was “rising” on the eastern horizon when you were born. It outlines how you approach new people and situations, and therefore who you are likely to attract! Use Sanctuary’s astrology app to find your own rising sign, then read below to find out which sign best compliments your personality quirks and balances your distinctive style!

Aries rising is active, energetic, and competitive. While these qualities might alienate those who deem your confidence a threat, sweet-tempered Libra will cheer your victories and celebrate your achievements. Your enthusiasm paired with their outgoing, social nature makes you a dynamic team.

Taurus rising is deliberate, practical, and sensual and your Scorpio match enjoys a slow burn! Scorpio will appreciate your resourcefulness and challenge your stubbornness, drawing you out of the mundane so you can live passionately in the moment.

Gemini rising is curious and adaptable. Your wit and engaging attitude is highly enticing to free-spirited Sagittarius. Sagittarius’ adventurous streak pairs with your inquisitiveness. They’ll believe in you when you doubt yourself and help you define your objectives by asking the right questions. You are both allergic to boredom!

Cancer rising is shy and sweet, often attracting those who want a caretaker rather than a partner. Not so with your match, Capricorn, who’s a big softy beneath their stoic exterior. While other signs resort to showy but empty gestures, Capricorn will make you feel secure by handling business, demonstrating their loyalty and trustworthiness daily.

Leo rising dazzles with their confidence and magnanimity, but beneath the theatrics, you want to impress, which often means conforming to others’ expectations. Your best match is someone who abhors superficialities and conformity of all kinds: Aquarius. Aquarius appreciates the authentic you beneath the polish and adores the quirkiness you try to downplay.

Virgo rising is selective and methodical. Your ideal match, Pisces, will show you how to maintain a sense of humor even when a wrench is thrown in “the plan.” They see your tender heart beneath the critical exterior, and what you deem as personal failings, they regard as evidence of being human; all the more reason to cherish you.

Libra rising is friendly and outgoing, if more than a little indecisive. Partnering with an impulsive Aries who makes snap decisions with ease will show you how to be selective and discriminating in your choices. You like their take charge attitude; they respect your dependability and fair-mindedness.

Scorpio rising is magnetic and intuitive, drawn to intensity and often, chaos. For this reason, down-to-earth Taurus is a great fit. Taurus is loyal and will stick by you through life’s extremes. Their self-restraint prevents situations from getting needlessly dramatic, while their sensuality makes for passion that smolders.

Sagittarius rising is fun-loving and idealistic, viewing life in big-picture fashion. Your Gemini match is equally independent and loves that you have big dreams! Their zeal for living in the moment teaches you to appreciate the here and now, instead of pining for “someday”s and “somewhere-else”s.

Capricorn rising is sensible, sincere and success-oriented. People often expect you to be the boss, not the companion, and your private disposition can be mistaken for coldness. Your ideal match, Cancer, respects your need for space, being slow to warm up to romance themselves. They will support your objectives, finding your honesty and integrity sexy!

Aquarius rising is eccentric, unique thinkers. As a child you may have been ostracized for your “weirdness”, leaning into this characterization in adulthood as a defense mechanism to keep people from getting too close. Your Leo match, however, wants a partner who is anything but average! Leo will find your rebelliousness alluring, and they value individualism and freedom of expression just as highly as you do.

Pisces rising is creative and imaginative, with your head often in the clouds. Your Virgo match will help you get organized so you can turn your dreams into realities! Being so compassionate, you often attract wounded souls and “projects” in need of fixing, but Virgo is ultra-grounded, which means you don’t need to shape-shift or adopt their habits or attitudes to impress them.

Ultimately, compatibility hinges on more than one aspect of your birth chart. Curious as to what astrology can reveal about your romantic life? Try a reading with a professional Sanctuary astrologer to get the full picture!

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