What’s in Your Cards for Cancer Season?

Check your warm summer energy with these tarotscopes.

Sanctuary World
7 min readJun 17, 2021


by Kelsey Sunstrum

Fasten your seatbelts, kids. Cancer season’s going to pack a punch! Case in point: over half the sun signs pulled a Major Arcana card to represent Cancer’s impact this year. That’s tarot-speak for big changes ahead! The Major Arcana points to significant shifts in the tapestry of our life and consciousness while the Minor Arcana and court cards signal more day-to-day, mundane experiences and embodiments of energy.

It’s important to remember that, while change, especially major change, can be intimidating and even downright scary, it’s the only constant in this life. How we deal with the ebbs and flows is where we gain control. Establishing a secure center within yourself strengthens your ability to withstand and adapt to transitions. Reinforcing your daily routines, your close connections, and the relationship with yourself and your body improves your coping when the winds of change do blow your way. Invest time this season doing just that!

Find your sun sign below to prepare for themes coming up for you in Cancer season.

Aries / The Magician

The Magician is your hype man, reminding you of the skills, talents, and resources you have at your command. It’s perfect timing for new beginnings and progress in continuing endeavors — take advantage! Mercury, the planet of daily routines and communication and the ruler of this card, swings out of retrograde at the crest of Cancer season. Though the post-retrograde shadow lingers for a couple of weeks, as the veil of stop-start energy lifts around the beginning of July, you’ll likely notice a stirring to progress toward a goal, minor or major, or resume the reins on a paused passion project or fledgling idea.

Taurus / Strength

Opening your heart is a central theme of Cancer season for the Taurus sun’s out there! Notably, an area in your life is inviting you to approach with compassion, understanding, and acceptance where you might have recently been stubborn, single-minded, and firm. While your staunch resolution in what you believe and value is one of your greatest strengths, it might be more appropriate at this time to embody deeper gentleness and patience with another person or even yourself. The Strength card reassures you that showing kindness and vulnerability requires more courage than adopting a tough-love approach.

Gemini / 6 of Wands

The explosion of Fire across your tarotscopes this astrological year is maintained with this third consecutive Wand, the suit ruled by the fire element. You’re seeing steady strides ahead in a venture, passion, or relationship for which you’ve been building a reliable foundation, evidenced by last season’s 4 of Wands. The success you’ve earned and headway you’ve gained is tangible in your jubilant spirit, eager to celebrate your wins and radiate your light on those you cherish. Still, it never hurts to be proactive, planning ahead for inevitable hiccups or challenges along your path by reviewing and reinforcing your basic infrastructure.

Cancer / The Chariot

Happy solar return, soft-hearted, sweet-souled Cancers! The Chariot is a serendipitous caller for your birthday season. Associated with both the sign of Cancer as well as your planetary ruler, the moon, The Chariot is your tarot kin. It’s a harbinger of evolution, growth, and opportunity. When The Chariot appears, you’re leaving the safety of the nest behind and flying to new levels. It’s a graduation. (Also very felicitous for the season!) Put the same energy into dreaming and scheming the upcoming year’s goals as you do reflecting on the progress accrued during the last spin around the sun.

Leo / 5 of Pentacles

Numerologically, the 5’s of the tarot are tough but not insurmountable. They’re the halfway point of the suit and represent a crux, a conflict to be overcome on your way to victory. Feeling contractions in the material, even financial, planes of your world isn’t uncommon under this energy. If your scarcity perspective is triggered, a couple of things can help with grounding. First, consider a daily gratitude practice, a ritual to savor the sweet and alleviate the sour. And second, reach out for support. Hard times are even harder when you’re doing it on your own. Get by with a little help from your friends!

Virgo / Justice

An area of your life is calling for an objective and rational approach. Check the data, the facts and figures, around the choices you’re contemplating. A pros-and-cons list could come in handy! The Justice card also asks where you can assume greater responsibility and accountability for who you are. Is this in stepping up your care and nourishment of yourself? Giving yourself more breaks? Maybe there’s an important relationship you know you haven’t been pulling your weight in recently. How can you make adjustments so your actions are more aligned with your values?

Libra / 2 of Cups

Love and connection are prominent this Cancer season, dear Libra! The 2 of Cups, ruled by the euphonious combo of Venus in Cancer, suggests a significant relationship in your life is blossoming into a beautiful, aromatic flower. Similarly, this might be hinting toward a new connection or a rekindling of the flame of an existing pairing. It’s important to note that relationships of all kinds can fall under this card, not just romantic! It’s representing a deep, reciprocal kinship, be it romantic, family, friendship, business partner, and beyond. And, of course, your relationship with yourself is included in the realm of the 2 of Cups.

Scorpio / Death

Fear not, Scorpio! While the grim imagery of the Death card can be intimidating at first introduction, its central themes of change and evolution are incredibly uplifting. This Cancer season will likely call attention to where shifts and adjustments are needed at this point in your personal journey. Like a full moon, Death asks you to release what’s holding you back to make room for greater love and growth. Cutting these ties is uncomfortable but necessary to reach your full potential. Meditate on patterns, habits, and/or relationships you’re ready to ditch and what updated attitudes, perspectives, and boundaries you’re eager to adopt.

Sagittarius / 9 of Cups

It’s a good time to be a Sagittarius sun this Cancer season! Luxuriating in the fruits of your labors, whatever that means for you, is what the 9 of Cups is about. You might be on the brink of something new and enjoying this liminal space of satisfaction and contentment. Take that deep breath before your next adventure and just be. This card denotes both intuitive and creative energy as well. Engaging in outlets that allow you to tap into those realms can offer meaningful insight. Try dream journaling, meditating, or painting to drop in with your dreamy and imaginative sides.

Capricorn / Page of Cups

The dawning of a new connection, new idea, or new spiritual download is on the horizon! The Page of Cups harkens to beginnings or next levels in love, relationships, creativity, and your subconscious. Where do you feel you’re lacking wholeness? Cancer season might encourage you to take a first step on a healing journey, to process emotions and experiences to ease suffering and self-doubt. Be patient and gentle with yourself as you ease into vulnerability. This Page invites you to honor and connect with your emotions, your intuition, your mystery in new ways and connect on new levels with those you cherish.

Aquarius / Wheel of Fortune

You are seeing a natural ebb or flow of the waves of your life this season. In some fashion, spirit is pulling you forward and keeping you moving. You might see transitions in your material world or feel the energy in more internal, personal shifts. Sustaining fluxes, positive or negative, requires grounding. Reflect on how you can ground yourself to better prepare for changes. Mindfulness-based exercises that bring you into the body and into awareness of the present moment go a long way towards centering yourself! Yoga, meditation, and quality time in nature are jumping-off ideas for your own grounding practice.

Pisces / The Lovers

Pisces, you’ve reached a point in your growth where you’re being asked to overcome duality. Black-or-white, good-or-bad thinking is too immature for your evolved consciousness. Resist boxing yourself and others off in limiting categories and narrow pathways. Embrace the complex beauty and possibilities that exist outside the conventional. How can you celebrate the parts of yourself you’ve tried to repress? Integrating these qualities enables you to develop into a fuller and more authentic version of you. Expressing yourself via a new modality, like writing a song or embroidering a visual of your feelings, gives voice to the quieter parts of your being.



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