What’s Your Tarot Card for March?

Sanctuary World
Published in
7 min readMar 1, 2021

These tarotscopes capture the energy for your month of March

by Kelsey Sunstrum

This month will officially mark a year of Unprecedented Times. How naive and foolhardy our pre-COVID-19, March 2020 selves look now! Today’s realities are much different than last year’s. Face masks and pocket sanitizer are can’t-leave-the-house-without-’em necessities. Vaccines, an expected topic of conversation. Lockdown claustrophobia is in full swing (tbh, has been for a while.) It’s fitting that this month’s tarotscopes ask each sign, in one way or another, how they ground themselves and protect their energy. Finding a center within enables us to withstand the unpredictability of our time and empowers us to envision new normals! Check your sun sign below for guidance through March.

Aries / 10 — Wheel of Fortune 🎉

Big energy for the birthday season! Opportunity and expansion come a-knockin’ this month with the Wheel of Fortune casting its aura over your solar return. Promotions, taking the next step with a partner, and advancement in your latest passion project are well within the realm of possibility in March as this card is associated with Jupiter, the great benefactor. This transitional energy can feel a touch overwhelming though! Try leaning into daily routines, meditation, and mindfulness techniques to ground you. Then, you’ll be ready to notice and grab the Wheel of Fortune’s gifts when they’re bestowed.

Taurus / Page of Cups, Reversed 🌊

The weight of the past year could see its emotional and spiritual effects in March for you. Your heart is smackdab on your sleeve this month replacing your usual earthy stoicism, due to an oversaturation of Water energy. This could feel weird and unfamiliar to you. Consider sharing your internal experience with a trusted friend, family member or therapist to process what’s coming up and regain your equilibrium. The access to your intuition and the opportunity to explore and deepen your self-care practice are blessings of the Page of Cups, Reversed. Oh, and an excuse to treat yourself!

Gemini / 8 of Wands, Reversed 😅

When’s the last time you caught your breath, Gemini? Your fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants approach can be a stumbling block this month if you’re not careful. Your active mind is buzzing more than ever with brilliant ideas and a carefully curated collection of hilarious memes you’ve amassed over the last year of social isolation (let’s face it, over your whole Internet life). A reminder to slow down and read the fine print before committing to any major decisions in March comes to you via the 8 of Wands, Reversed as well as a push to attend to your practical obligations (those emails won’t answer themselves!).

Cancer / Page of Wands 🎨

Who’s feeling themselves in March? You are, you are! Bust out your best ‘fit, put on the sparkly nail polish, and dance like nobody’s watching. Actually, you know what? Dance like everybody’s watching because that’s the Cancer vibe this March. Creative juices flowing and inspiration at all all-time high! Unsure how to drop into your imagination? Engaging a new medium of expression, reconnecting with a childhood pastime, and exploring unfamiliar music, food, or movies are a few ideas! Have fun!

Leo / 2 of Swords, Reversed 🙅

Dark cloud overhead lately? Perhaps February tested your limits or placed tough decisions before you. Fear not, weary Leo! A deep sigh of relief awaits you in March as calmer skies pass through, suggested by the reversal of the 2 of Swords, a dissipating of the upright’s intensity. This card does ask you to reflect on the role of boundaries in your life, especially in the midst of tougher times. Are you comfortable saying “no”? Is it the rule, not the exception, that you put others’ needs before your own? Even small adjustments to your boundaries this March protects your wellbeing!

Virgo / 10 of Wands, Reversed 💆

Resist the urge to fight stress or unpleasant emotions with responsibilities and duties this month, Virgo. In fact, do the exact opposite as much as you can! Leisure, relaxation, and laying down your heavy load should be your top priorities this month. You’ve been doing too much! As a result, you’re not seeing the forest for the trees of your life. Ease up on the should’s and have-to’s to make space for the deeper questions. What’s your passion? What’s your purpose? Ditch the to-do list one day this month, curl up and get curious with these prompts!

Libra / 3 of Pentacles, Reversed 💤

Your lust for life may be waning lately. Your battery slowly draining. On a first-name basis with your pizza delivery person and slipping on your Zoom catch-up calls? Pandemic fatigue is real. Be extra gentle on yourself if you’re inevitably starting to feel it. Your motivation and inspiration could be scattered throughout March. A change of pace and scenery can work wonders to reinvigorate your spirit and put the pep back in your step. Dress up for no reason, get outside and explore unfamiliar-to-you parts of your neighborhood or town. Follow your curiosity!

Scorpio / 8 of Swords 👥

Where there’s a will, there’s a way is your affirmation this month. Limitations and barriers might be at the forefront of your experience lately. Use creative problem-solving to forge a path out of that which holds you back. If one way doesn’t work, try another. And don’t forget you can always phone a friend! Call on those you trust for support and feedback if you’re feeling trapped and unsure of your next steps. A pal can offer refreshing insights, new ideas, and a welcome shelter from the storm.

Sagittarius / 10 of Pentacles 💫

The fruits of your labor are yours for the taking in March! Prosperity and stability are found in the 10 of Pentacles. Review your progress, take stock of how far you’ve come, and celebrate those wins with the circle that supported you along the way (socially distanced, of course!). Numerologically, the 10’s represent endings and completion. The time is right for reaching goals and finishing projects. Dreaming up new out-of-this-world visions and ways of manifesting them is favored now as well!

Capricorn / 9 of Swords 💪

The 9 of Swords challenges your penchant for control in March. It’s human nature to vie for control, especially in the face of the unpredictable, but it’s decidedly Capricorn to become gripped by it. Coming to terms with what you can and can’t control is an important lesson this month. For example, you can’t predict or dictate another person’s behavior but you retain control over your reactions to them. This is a tough pill to swallow but, at the same time, is extremely liberating to come into that accountability and ownership!

Aquarius / Queen of Wands 🌻

What a powerful guide for you this month, Aquarius! The archetype of the witch is associated with the Queen of Wands, emphasizing the manifestation energy inherent in this card. Like a witch, you’re able to work with the elements to bring your ideas and visions to life. You, Aquarius, a born dreamer, know magic is real and within your reach. You’re able to create something from nothing in March so give your imagination the space to play and conjure the wild and impossible! What will your unique contribution to the world be this month?

Pisces / The Tower ⚡

Potential for major shifts lives in The Tower. The stability of the foundations and structures in your life may be tested. This can even rock you to your core momentarily. But remember the lightning bolt need not be a disastrous force majeure. A strike of inspiration, radical shift of perspective, or personal epiphany are also lightning bolts of their own, aren’t they? The time is right to rebuild the structures in your life to be more aligned with who you are today.



Sanctuary World

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