Introducing Sandblock’s mobile application — Alpha

We just released the Alpha version of the mobile application! Here is a detailed presentation on how it works, the upcoming developments and improvements

Sarah-Diane Eck
Lum Network
4 min readFeb 12, 2018


Edit February 7, 2019: The Alpha mobile application has been used to engage our crypto community and gathered more than 50k users 🙏
However, this app is now discontinued to focus on Sandblock’s main product, the mobile app Surprise which aims to strive crypto adoption for the masses.

Join the token sale — Pre-sale begins Feb 28th

General details

The application is in Alpha, it is not connected to the blockchain yet (the Beta will be). It is the framework for our future developments and a showcase of most of the first features implemented for Sandblock’s ecosystem. It is dedicated to our community to discover the project, our work, our capacity to create amazing products and more importantly to give us some feedback!

We hope you’ll love what we built for you 🙏

Our goal is also to use this Alpha version as a vector of growth for the community. Therefore, you will be able to acquire Satisfaction Tokens (SAT) using the application by testing the features, having a good score on the games and more importantly by spreading the word and sharing you private referral link!

Sandblock’s project aims to improve the relationship between businesses and their customers, let’s do it first with our own project and our amazing community!

Ok now that we’ve cleared some basis, let’s dive into some more interesting stuff!

Note: We will publish another article quite soon detailing the technical aspects behind the mobile application itself. We did not only develop a “demo”, it is the framework for our future works and already handles technical specifications that definitely deserve a dedicated article (such as dynamic web app injections and web app bridges).

Getting started

  1. Download the application either on the iOS Appstore or on the Android Playstore.
  2. Enjoy the sweet on-boarding questions we’ve created just for you
  3. Sign in/up using your phone number. We use phone numbers to avoid fake/scam accounts, it will be stored securely and only used for authentication purposes. In future version we will work toward a less intrusive authentication mechanism.
  4. Chose a username your friends might recognise. You can also register to our newsletter directly by putting your email (optional) after choosing a username.
  5. You are all set! Time to move to the next section 👇

How it works

The application works on a “card” principle. Each card is associated to a business (the first tutorial cards are all associated to Sandblock) and an action (Redeemed points, a game, a survey etc…).

There are three ways to access new cards:

  • Scan a QR code. You can see and try the showcase cards directly on our website.
Open QR code
  • Open a deep link from your mobile with the application installed. You can do it by clicking on the first card in your feed, this will bring you to our website showcase cards and you’ll be able to access it.
Open deep link
  • Pay using cryptocurrencies directly with your Sandblock wallet (not implemented in the Alpha version). The card will automatically popup once the transaction is processed by the protocol.

Discover the application

As mentioned above, with the Alpha application you can do the following actions:

Gather free redeems

Redeem free SAT by opening the redeem cards on our website, the ones that we will share on our Telegram over time or even hidden cards (we love easter eggs 🐰).

Play branded games

You can play branded games, the first one is Trumpy Bird as you will see as soon as you use the application.

The better your score, the more SAT you’ll get! You will also get more SAT for sharing your score to your friends with your referral link. The SAT are credited as soon as someone signs up with your link.

Trumpy Bird

More games will come with our Brands partnerships, we definitely think you will love it!

Send feedback

Send us feedback directly through quick surveys, you’ll get some SAT for completing this task as well. More surveys will come for our partners to gather your point of view about what you’d like to see/have in return for your engagement.

Futures developments

The next main step is the Beta version. This version will be connected to one of the Ethereum test net and will basically provide the same features plus the wallet management and a few other upgrades required to be blockchain connected.

The Beta version will be used to run our pilot program with our current Brands partners. We will then start testing how the real world business implementation reacts in a live, blockchain environment.

More informations will be released after the Token sale 🚀



Sarah-Diane Eck
Lum Network

Founder @lum_network Building the Lum Network ecosystem. Council Member of the Lum Foundation.