What are the Surprise points?

Sarah-Diane Eck
Lum Network
Published in
6 min readJul 25, 2019

With the Surprise application, you’re rewarded with Surprise points while you do your online shopping. But what are these points precisely?

Surprise points: tokens of the Surprise consortium

The Surprise points are in fact a fancy and more mainstream name for the tokens of our consortium. Surprise points are tokens on our network and they are the very first implementation of branded tokens 🤩

The Surprise points name is used for the application and in our communication for public and no-coiners. It is basically backed by the Satisfaction Token at 1 to 1 rate. As you may know, the Satisfaction Token is not heavily traded yet and in order to move forward before it is, we’ve decided to offer a fixed SAT/BTC rate within the Surprise application.

1 Surprise point = 1 Satisfaction token at the moment

As you may have read on our last token post; our token has been distributed to the investors and there’s a total supply of 42,500,000 tokens. These tokens are the fuel for all the Surprise’s processes, and they are live on the network, transferable, tradable…

Nowadays, the value of the Surprise points are pegged on Bitcoin to guarantee the best user experience as our token is not yet listed on exchanges. We’ll update you when this rule change.

tl;dr The Surprise points are tokens on the blockchain that are used to reward customers.

Each Surprise points is unique, it can be distributed by a network of more than 500 brands, exchanged with euros or any other currencies (including cryptocurrencies and branded tokens in the near future!). 💱

Crypto can be dangerous but Surprise points are free for users!

Our token is freely distributed to customers when they do their online shopping with the Surprise application.

We all know that cryptocurrencies can be a dangerous investment but what is dangerous when you didn’t invest anything and have some cryptos on your wallet? You can’t lose anything!

It can just be a good surprise! 😉

For a novice user, Surprise points doesn’t require any knowledge or practice, it’s just an “item” that is shown in their application. In fact, they don’t even know that their balance is actually in tokens and not in €, $ or £. Their balance are updated seamlessly in their preferred currencies.

Even if these Surprise points will have a free-market volatility and our token plummet to 0, a novice user will never lose anything as these points have been “airdropped” to his wallet after one of his purchase, that he would still have realized!

It acts as a bonus. 🎁

Furthermore, with these Surprise points, our “cashback” system become a new kind of loyalty reward: it’s a “tokensback” system.

Surprise points are already a surprise in fact, it’s a gift from the Surprise application for buying things online within the consortium. The end users can never be disappointed with this system! 😍

What the history tells us?

If you’re really that “crypto-addict” you’re trying to make everyone believe, I’m sure you know about these 2 pizzas bought in 2010 for 10,000BTC. 🙃

Ceremonial day known as the “Bitcoin Pizza Day”, on May 22th 2010 is in the cryptocurrencies’ history. Someone bought 2 pizzas for more than 89,000,000€ at the time of writing, it can be laughable but at that time, bitcoin was not at the same price level! 😅

Imagine this guy never bought these pizzas and kept his 10,000BTC; he could have got a pretty, much cool, extraordinary surprise today don’t you think?

With Surprise points, we want to create the same kind of mechanics. Users will be asked (but it’s not an obligation of any kind) to HODL* their Surprise points on their account to maybe have an exciting surprise in some months or years! We’ve got a limit of 20€ before withdrawing the Surprise points which creates a natural holding period.

*HODL is another part of cryptocurrencies’ history, go check it out here.

Surprise points, the perfect loyalty points, the entry door to cryptocurrencies’ ecosystem

Surprise points are freely given on the user account. They’re unique and have a real intrinsic value: the app (and coin) adoption will massively fuel its price and the expansion of our consortium too. 🚀

The users will keep and hold their Surprise points as this simplest mechanism will drive value upside and they’ll be advised to do it to unlock features, increase their earnings and help the ecosystem.

Brands will need to buy Satisfaction tokens to create their branded tokens. It’s not implemented yet, but development is progressing (and the Surprise points are technologically the first branded tokens!). Branded tokens will be exchangeable against Surprise points and vice-versa!

tl;dr These Surprise points are the new paradigm for the crypto adoption and to manage all the loyalty programs already existents! Everyone will be able to play with cryptos! 🐵

But why are they the entry door to the cryptocurencies ecosystem?

In fact, Surprise points are tokens on the blockchain. From here, these points are exchangeable to any other cryptocurrencies.

Exchange Surprise points to any coin or token

Users will be able to earn Surprise points from their online shopping and trade them later for BTC, ETH or anything else. With Surprise, we put cryptos in everybody’s hands. Cryptos that are earned freely and with which users can play, test and practice crypto exchanges, transfers or trade, for free 💸

Furthermore, the Surprise app can act as a real gateway for crypto-exchanges. We’ll educate our users about cryptocurrencies, trading, blockchain… and pretty much anything, directly from the app! It’ll be a simple and comprehensible approach to learn things. And users got free tokens from their shopping so they don’t have to invest anything!

Today, there’s an intense need of mass-adoption in the cryptocurrencies and blockchain ecosystem and this is why we created Surprise! The Surprise app can be the fuel for this mass-adoption as we target novice users from shopping and not necessarily crypto-users; and these users will better understand what these notions are if they want to educate themselves.

We could incentivize our users to sign-up directly to solid and safe exchange platforms (like Kraken, Coinbase or Bitstamp), and therefore put in place a growth strategy with mutual benefits for Sandblock and those platforms.

Surprise points can be exchanged for bitcoin for example, after that, a user can just play with these bitcoins, without having to invest anything from his pocket.

You know everything about these Surprise points and what we want them to become. We hope that this article enlightens their utility and their scope! You can now download Surprise and begin to earn Surprise points! 🚀

Follow Surprise’s social channels to stay tuned!



Sarah-Diane Eck
Lum Network

Founder @lum_network Building the Lum Network ecosystem. Council Member of the Lum Foundation.