tNBT: Chapter One

Nader Dabit + React Native

L. Christopher Lomax
Sandbox by Mantle.


Christopher Lomax talks with Nader Dabit about React Native, Serverless ++, using writing and speaking to becoming better at everything else, and Audible as a reading hack. Make sure to follow Mantle. City Club + Inc.ubator on Facebook to catch The Next Big Thing!

Watch This Chapter on Facebook.

Mentioned in this Chapter:

“For me, when you share things you make yourself vulnerable to different criticisms…and that helps you in life.” //. Nader Dabit on writing and teaching.

//. People, Places,

Nader Dabit (twtr | @dabit3+ medium | Nader Dabit ) | React Native Training (@rn_training) | Babalu (@eatbabalu) |AWS (@awsformobile) | Flutter (@flutterio) | AWS AppSync + AWS Amplify | Jackson Area Web + App Developers (@jacksondevs) | Audible

//. Books

Shoe Dog by Phil Knight (Amazon) | The Hard Thing about Hard Things by Ben Horowitz (Amazon)

//. Signals

AirBnB React Native Medium Post: (Medium) | React Native Radio by DevChat (iTunes Store) | Hacker Noon on Medium — | React Native Training on Medium — |

//. Next Chapters

Casey Combest of Blue Sky Studios + Made in Mississippi Podcast | July 23

Chip Pickering of Incompas | August 6th

