Announcing: The MoonSale Treasure Hunt

The Sandbox
The Sandbox
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2020

A Sandbox traveler wandering the Metaverse triggered a MoonSale — a sudden, month-long LAND presale started on June 4th. A treasure is hiding…

Space pirates are searching for a hidden treasure, leaving clues across the Metaverse, sometimes even in the traveler’s own footsteps. Some hear the treasure may be a massive 12x12 ESTATE (144 LANDS), worth $5,000 dollars, not too far from a big ATARI ESTATE…

👀[MoonSale Treasure]👀

Hidden Treasure


The Treasure Hunt will happen in 3 stage:

  1. Reveal Clues
  2. Reveal Riddles
  3. Retrieve Prize

Reveal Clues: June 4th — July 2nd

Two clues will be revealed during each of the 6 Moonsale rounds.

Reminder of The Sandbox MoonSale journey:

Be aware of pirate pixel-art flagged ESTATEs in the Moonsale areas (see below)

ESTATES that will have clues will have this picture

You might find clues there ;)


A total of 12 clues will be revealed — 2 during each of the MoonSale phases.

Hint: make sure you only look at clues within ESTATES “Booked By SandboxGame” to avoid real pirates.

Reveal Riddles: July 2nd Onwards

On July 2nd, a total of 12 riddles will be revealed across The Sandbox ecosystem.

  1. Each riddle will require you to guess 1 word.
  2. Answers to each riddle figure among the final words
  3. (12) Words will form a seed phrase. [Not sure what a seed phrase is? Read this.]

Retrieve Prize

  • Collect the clues to the treasure during the MoonSale, from June 4th through July 2nd. Two clues will be revealed during each of the 6 rounds.
  • Decrypt the riddles once revealed on July 2nd. 1 riddle = 1 answer = 1 word.
  • Go to
  • Input the 12 words
  • If the 12 words are correct. Retrieve the Prize

Make sure you collect clues along the way during each phase of the MoonSale, so that you are prepared to claim the treasure as your own from July 2nd!

Good luck!

