Publishing assets is now open to everyone!

Get ready for the opening of the metaverse🌎

The Sandbox
The Sandbox
1 min readJul 12, 2022


Every TSB user can now publish their assets!

What does it mean exactly?

It means, that anybody who is registered on The Sandbox can now create assets, test them in the Game Maker and share their experience in the Game Maker Gallery.

Furthermore, by late 2022, you’ll be able to release your experience publicly on your LAND! Time to show to the world your creations!


How do I get started?

Starting up in the Sandbox is quite easy. All you have to do is

Note that to share an experience in the Game Maker Draft Gallery, all assets need to be published.

Do I need to mint my asset in order to publish it?

No, publishing does NOT mean minting. Published assets are not NFTs.

When will I be able to mint and sell my creations on The Sandbox Marketplace?

Minting and selling will come next, so stay tuned!

