The Sandbox LAND Presale #2 details

Following a successful LAND presale round in December, we are launching a second round with more features and parcels on February 11th at 12PM GMT!

The Sandbox
The Sandbox
5 min readJan 9, 2020


Pre-register NOW for LAND Presale #2

Our first LAND presale that was held this past December offered more than three thousand pieces of the Sandbox Metaverse. All 3,000 LANDS were sold in just four hours, making this presale event a success but also leaving eager users without the chance to own a Sandbox parcel due to the high demand that led to the entire first round map being promptly sold out.

Our first presale event offered the best value in proportion to the LAND discounts for our very first supporters, but it was definitely not the only presale planned. Thus we are thrilled to announce that our second round of LAND presale will be held this February (the 11th at 12PM GMT)!

This time, 5% of total parcels available for sale on The Sandbox map will be released. Those 6,192 LANDS will be available with a 30% discount (minimum) for those who join in this event that will last (maximum) two weeks over The Sandbox Marketplace.

The official date has been announced and it is February 11, as we prepare a new countdown and integrate new features that our team developed in regard to our community’s feedback.

Pre-register NOW

We are redefining the meaning of UGC through a blockchain metaverse — help us grow our community of gamers, creators, and crypto-enthusiasts:




The Sandbox LAND presale

The Sandbox LAND presale is an early sale of LAND parcels that form the Sandbox metaverse, being blockchain-backed tokens (using the ERC-721 standard for non-fungible tokens, aka NFTs). They allow players to own a portion of the Metaverse and thus be able to host content (ASSETS and GAMES).

We’ll be releasing a total of five rounds of sales, offering special discounts meant to reward our early supporters for participating in the sale. Each presale will display different amounts of LANDS and specific locations surrounding the center of the metaverse will only be available for a short period of time. With partners of The Sandbox owning strategic locations alongside the presale maps and a final sale that will be public for everyone at the end of our presale events, LAND presales offer a unique chance to get a piece of a blockchain metaverse at the best value.

You can join our early supporters
by Pre-Registering if you haven’t already.

The Metaverse Map

Updated map for Round 2 (+Round1)

While our first LAND presale offered 3,096 (2.5% of the total parcels of the metaverse) at a massive 40% discount, not everyone had the chance to acquire a piece of The Sandbox since the entire event was sold out in just four hours. This time with our second LAND presale round going live this February (11th), 6,192 LANDS will be available at a 30% discount. Along with a higher amount of parcels, the new presale map will include amazing partners and strategic locations that we will be announcing further this month.

In addition to the new number of LANDS and partners that will later be disclosed, and as requested by the community, the complete Sandbox Metaverse map will be displayed in our next presale rounds. While presales will be the only way to buy LANDS until the release of our public sale later this year, everyone will have access to the full Sandbox map during our presales.

Here is the full Metaverse Map:

Full Metaverse Map of The Sandbox

What’s new?

Our first presale round was taken as a point of reference to keep improving the experience provided, The Sandbox’s community has shared insightful comments, thoughts, and feedback that we have taken in consideration to come up with improvements and new features for this upcoming presale and the ones to come.

Beginning with the display of the complete metaverse map, users will also have the ability to:

  • Change the name and description of their LANDS.
  • Have a new display on the presale map that showcases the LANDS owned that can be clearly distinguished among the rest of the parcels.
  • Experience an improvement of the performance to prevent any issues that a high concurrency could cause.
  • Access the metaverse map through mobile devices.

These new features developed for our second LAND presale being held this February are just the first ones that will be integrated. We have planned a wide selection of improvements that we’ll be releasing along the way while getting ready for future presales and important releases for The Sandbox Marketplace that will get us closer to integrating all the elements of our gaming platform.

In the meantime, you can follow us closely on our social channels to don’t miss out!

You can join our early supporters
by Pre-Registering if you haven’t already.

