The Sandbox Liquidity Mining: Phase 4

The Sandbox
The Sandbox
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2021

The liquidity mining program is entering phase 4. Given the popularity of the program, it will now include NFT rewards along with the LAND multiplier!

$SAND Liquidity Mining — New Rewards

Starting from April 26, the liquidity mining program will enter its fourth phase. Each month, the team will add a liquidity of 1,500,000 $SAND to the pool through which stakers will be able to earn $SAND rewards. Following phase 3’s system, the program will keep the yield multiplier for LAND owners.

No additional action will be required of the current stakers. You can leave your staked SAND in the pool and keep on earning your sweet rewards!

What changes with phase 4?

With phase 4, stakers will have the chance to claim an exclusive NFT each month! To be eligible to claim the monthly NFT reward you will need to have staked $SAND/ETH in the pool during the month. As with earnings if you unstake all your liquidity from the pool during a month period, then you won’t be able to obtain that month’s NFT reward.

Staking NFTs will be claimable on our NFT page. No action is required to whitelist your wallet as it will be done by the team by the end of each staking month. The NFT will then become available at the beginning of the next month of staking, after the pool has been replenished.

For the month of August, stakers that are providing $SAND/ETH will be able to claim the Golden Skull. No one dares looking straight into its eyes, for fear of what they’ll find there.

Stakers will need to be staking by August 30th, when the snapshot will be taken to determine who will be eligible to claim it.

This NFT is the third reward from phase four. Stay tuned to know when it will become claimable.

How do I join the liquidity mining pool?

By providing $SAND and ETH to the Uniswap pool and staking $SAND on our platform you earn back a share of the fixed 1.5M $SAND that is provided by our team each month. Rewards are provided pro-rata relative to each trader’s percentage of total liquidity over the course of a one month period.

If you are a LAND owner you will benefit from the LAND NFT yield multiplier. Depending on the amount of LAND you hold at the time of staking, the percentage of earnings you receive from your stakings will multiply.

To qualify for rewards, you need to stake your $SAND/ETH Uniswap LP tokens via The Sandbox staking dashboard.

For details on the $SAND liquidity mining program and how to stake, view the details of Phase 2:

For you visual learners, here are two video tutorials from one of The Sandbox Ambassadors on the process involved with staking and claiming/exiting the liquidity mining pool:

Staking in The Sandbox Liquidity Mining Pool tutorial
Claiming Rewards and Exiting from The Sandbox Liquidity Mining Pool

