What NOT to bring to Navy Boot Camp

Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2016
navy 2

Our last post was a list of items that recruits have to bring to boot camp with them, but what should recruits not bring with them to boot camp?

The following items are UNAUTHORIZED to be possessed by recruits in training:

  1. Large cans of shaving cream. (12oz. or larger)
  2. All aerosol containers.
  3. After shave/cologne.
  4. Lighter fluid.
  5. Disposable Lighters (the fluid cartridge of a “Zippo” lighter will be confiscated, the casing will be retained with)
  6. Magazines, books (non-Navy).
  7. Playing cards, dice, gambling paraphernalia.
  8. Large bulky stationery.
  9. Large hair combs/afro pics, rakes or anything made of metal.
  10. Anything in glass containers including mirrors.
  11. Double edge razors, blades.
  12. Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, tobacco, chewing tobacco.
  13. Large deodorants (larger than 4oz).
  14. Alcohol-based health & comfort items.
  15. Portable electronics (Cell phones, pagers, PDAs, CD/cassette players, radios, MP3 players, hand held video games).
  16. Civilian clothing.
  17. Cameras.
  18. Electric razors.
  19. Large hair dryers.
  20. Curling irons.
  21. Other electrical items deemed unnecessary by the staff of RTC.
  22. Food items (gums, candy, chip, etc).
  23. All non-prescription drugs and medications that include but are not limited to:
  • Phisoderm, Phisohex, etc.
  • Foot powders.
  • Rubbing alcohol.
  • Motion sickness medication.
  • Commercial sleeping aide.
  • Decongestants.
  • Acne medications.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Analgesics.
  • Eye wash (exception: saline solution for contacts).
  • Sex related materials (diaphragms, condoms, etc).
  • Vitamins.
  1. Firearms.
  2. Ammunition/fireworks.
  3. Clubs, batons, etc.
  4. Brass knuckles.
  5. All straight razors, knives, ice picks, scissor.
  6. Narcotics/illegal drugs or any paraphernalia.

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