End of Cycle Update #2

2 min readJan 10, 2023


As another cycle begins we describe below what transpired during the previous one and what was chosen for the next one.


  • Interface for Multiple Strategies — The bulk of the work is done, some PRs are being reviewed and the time-lock is changing. Also, adapting the Yield Claim modal to support different currencies. Next step is to deploy to staging and test it.
  • Liquity Testing — The internal tool is practically complete. Soon, it will be able to adequately backtest the strategy and refine the parameters of the stop loss in order to maximize yield.
  • Liquity ETH exposure — All issues were addressed and are pending review of the auditors.
  • Applications for a captive insurance fund were submitted.
  • Consulted with OneTrust to prepare SOC audits anticipated to begin in Q1 2023.
  • Security enforcements—The focus was on doing the necessary work for our backend. This project is ongoing.
  • Wallet configuration — Project was not picked up since the focus was on the multiple strategies.
  • Opyn Crab Strategy — Proof of concept was implemented for deposits and withdrawals; missing some feedback for the documentation. It is ready for a delivery cycle.
  • Tokenized Vault Pilot—Proof of concept was completed but is missing clarity on how it would work with all Sandclock features. Will be used as a stepping stone to developing a StarkNet native architecture this year.

Other small updates to the frontend were delivered ad hoc and are not documented here.


  • Product Management — A roadmap session took place and Cycle Reports were produced. Roadmap requires further iteration to increase clarity on the milestones necessary to execute vision.
  • Data & Information Transparency — Requirements were done. Begun working with Onda to get this on the website.
  • Goldfinch Strategy — Discovery done. Could bring new sources of RWA yield on-chain by leveraging their infrastructure, but unsure if current product users would use it given the timelock requirements of real world borrowing facilities. Further user research is needed here.
  • Unique Monetary Value Display — A solution is documented. Should be able to take it to delivery now.

Upcoming Cycle

With regards to the new cycle, you can check it out here.

That’s all for now.

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