Is it okay to be lost?

Sandeep Bhalothia
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2019

Sometimes, it is okay to be lost and not have a solid goal rather than falling in the mold that society creates for you.

When I was in school, I used to stay in military quarters with my father (who served more than two decades in Indian armed forces) and my mom.

Every week or so my dad’s friends used to visit our home or we will go to their for dinner or tea. And doesn’t matter what was happening in the world and their life, his friends will always ask me this one question — “what you want to be in your life?” They have asked this question a zillion times. I was a confused kid back then. I had no solid goal in my life and never gave a thought about a career.

While answering their question with the utmost respect and a sense of guilt, I would say: I want to be a doctor, and next time I will change my answer to be an engineer and then an IAS and so on. I never aspired to be any of these. Thoughts related to career were the last thing in my mind. I wanted to play, meet my friends, watch cartoons, eat and sleep.

The day I decided to be a lawyer, until that day I never meet a lawyer. Till that day I never meet a law student. One of the reasons why I finally decided to make a career in law because first, I did not like math (obvious, right?) and second, I like reading about political science and social science. So this made my path very clear.

Friends and family came to help, and here I am — happily aspiring to make a successful career in law :)

The point that I am trying to make here is that being lost in your life does not mean that you will not achieve something good or will not be able to have a fruitful career. That confusion and frustration are temporary. All this will pass.

Give yourself some time, stop comparing yourself with the achievements of your friends, and don’t give up because of the family or societies pressure. To succeed in life, all that you need is the fire in your belly to fulfill your dreams and being persistent to do something good with your life.

