Celebrating the first 5 years

Let there be another 500…


Five years ago, there was a birthday party of a friend who I have not spoken to in years.

At this party, there was a girl I had met once or twice before. And we got talking!

By the morning, we had decided to start dating.

Lele and I at our first Christmas dance in 2013. (the first picture of us together I could find)

Good things don’t have to come easy…

Maybe you know it.

Maybe you have somehow missed it.

Lele and I will be getting married in August of this year.

However, the road there has not been a straight one.

I got my ass handed to me at the very next party we went to. So good that I had to wear opaque shades at the debating championships. Would have not made a good impression with two black eyes.

I moved to another city (for university) soon after we had started dating. So had to spend almost three years going back-and-forth between two/three cities to see each other in the weekends.

I was also made sure to understand we would never go on another trip together. Apparently not all the people like to travel without knowing where they would spend the night at. (We have since taken plenty of good trips together)

Once we did manage to move together, she understood I would still not spend too much time at home. Due to having workaholic tendencies. And this only made the boat rock even more.

There have been various other times when one had to ask, what next?

But here we are. Still going hard in the paint!

So much so that in last November I decided to ask Lele to marry me. She obviously said yes.!?

And yesterday we celebrated the five years we have been together. Toasting to the next 500 (longevity!)still on the way…

Hope you find yours!



Sander Gansen
Millennial thoughts on business & technology

Here to play the Game | Building @WorldofFreight to run a collaborative protocol building experiment.