Day #14: Independence Day

Happy independence day!


It’s 4th of July which means everybody is celebrating the 239th year of independence here in the States. Therefore, we were also given almost like a day off, here in #DraperU. We did have some sports training in the morning with an ex-NFL player and then just grilled some burgers, hotdogs and chilled.

Happy, Independence Day!

As everybody had spent their night out in San Francisco, trying to sell Vibease vibrators (you can use the promo code DR53 to get 25% discount until 11th of July), then almost all of us had a rather late start. Finally, after some bacon and pancakes (today’s my binge day), we had Mike Brown, an ex-NFL player make us do some exercise. It was great fun, helped our team to bond even more and really made my legs tell me they need some rest.

After that and a shower, we all went to the pool to swim and eat. As it was independence day, then #DraperU provided us with burgers, hotdogs, corn, apple pie and other things that were cooked by some of us. It was lots of fun, everybody chilled, jumped or pushed others into the pool and just had a good relax.

Later on, some of us went to San Francisco to see the independence day celebration, but I stayed here to talk some business with fellow students (about Kanna), as well as do some research by myself. I do have to look into QuikTract and the other idea, validate them some more and also look into another idea I got after reading that Tim Draper has decided to become more active investor in Europe. We’ll see what happens, but mostly it’s all good fun and super experience.

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Tänane päev möödus väga rahulikult ja peamiselt tähistasime Ameerika iseseisvuspäeva. Kuivõrd hommikul oli meil treening endise NFLi mängija poolt, mis väsitas täitsa ära. Hiljem aga grillisime basseini ääres ning arutasime teistega ka startupi teemadel. Üldiselt on kõik siiani super.



Sander Gansen
Millennial thoughts on business & technology

Here to play the Game | Building @WorldofFreight to run a collaborative protocol building experiment.