Day #24: Leadership for One

Our minds are already set towards the survival week.


Today was all about getting us ready for survival (leadership) week, starting tomorrow and lasting for 3–5 days. We don’t know what’s going to happen.

Read about Survival (Leadership) Week here.

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In the morning, teams had to present Roc and others their homework about safety in the survival week. There were six topics: wildlife (including snakes we might encounter there), ticks, hypothermia, bruises, hygiene and poison oaks.

Roc also added the three rules we have there: no sexual harassment, smoke next to fire pit only and no one goes to kitchen without Zach being there (he’s the kitchen master).

Later, we had the best speaker ever. I believe he’s name was Steve Mendez (I never saw how it was written) and he was a friend of Roc. He spoke us about leadership, more likely about a concept named leadership for one. He told us a story, how he became a billionaire, how he sold his company to Warren Buffett and brought out seven fallacies we are being taught from early on.

To keep things short, his message was to cut out the noise, be single minded and go on. Just go and do what you need to do, being focussed and disciplined. Apparently this is what the survival (leadership) week is going to be all about and even though I know nothing about it, I am more than excited for what’ about to happen.

After all of that, we spent around one hour to shop some groceries (9 cans of beans for me) and another one to pre-make the food (spaghetti, rice, bolognese sauce). We also went to get some other supplies (Swiss knife, flashlights & other essentials).

Back in Draper, we had to give all of our food to the EIRs, who will take care of it and also give in our phones, as the next couple of days will be technology free. Also, we heard a rumour that we will be leaving at 4AM (2PM in Estonia), so I had to go to gym already today (sticking to my discipline), as there will be no time for that in the morning.

We do not know, when we will leave or when we will be back. We also do not know what will happen to us during this leadership training. And the best thing, we cannot tell you guys what happened afterwards! Sounds fun, doesn’t it?

Keep our minds open, we will!



Sander Gansen
Millennial thoughts on business & technology

Here to play the Game | Building @WorldofFreight to run a collaborative protocol building experiment.