Don’t call people! We hate when you do it.

We’re too busy to have a random chit-chat on your time. If it’s important, let’s book a meeting. Otherwise, text us…


Yes, the phone was invented so people could call each other, but it’s evolved to be something much bigger.

Gone are days when the only way to get hold of someone meant having to call them. There’s texting, voice messages, pictures, videos, snaps and all kinds of other options. All preferred by people working in fields that need any type of concentration.

However, YOU still feel the message is so important that it needs our attention at this second. Or that writing it down simply takes too much of YOUR time. Only thinking about YOURself!

Please, use any of the other ways of contacting people though their phone…

How does this affect everything outside personal relationships?

It’s not only the grandma whose calls about the latest meal we ate are not welcome. It’s also everything work-related.

Of course, it’s okay to call when booking a meeting. Same for calls with short questions, such as where’s the entrance for your office. Or other types of quick remarks that we’re expecting.

But when it’s not this urgent, then there are 8 other ways on contacting us through our phones. All which won’t disturb our workflow.

This especially affects phone sales. As the behaviour has changed from “waiting for anyone to call me” to “hating the next person disturbing me”. Thus you also need to change this strategy. Unless your focus is on the “old people” or the ones who’re not producing too much value with their work anyhow. They might still be waiting for your call.

Again, it’s okay to have the call if the person asked for it. But don’t waste our time with yet another cable service or advertising offering. We don’t want to talk to you! Find a better way to get our attention.

Some ideas if you’re only relying on the phone now.

Check out this interesting thing named video on various social networks. Evidently, it’s getting great conversions when done right*.

* Right doesn’t mean you need to follow the widespread ideas that it needs to stick to 30–60 seconds. Nor that one video needs to affect all the potential customers. Rather make multiple clips for the various types of customers you’re targeting. Meanwhile, not trying to sell your product or service. We don’t care about it! Focus on storytelling, and make us care so we’d want to buy it ourselves. Perhaps giving you our phone number so you could then call us!

Cannot make videos? Then check out all the other types of content that can be used for sharing your story. Blogging, podcasts etc. But be consistent on whatever medium you’re about to use.

Just don’t try to sell me anything. Make me want to buy…

Did you enjoy this rant? Is there something else you’d love to hear about? Or can I help you in any other way? Please let me know via Snapchat, Instagram or Twitter.



Sander Gansen
Millennial thoughts on business & technology

Here to play the Game | Building @WorldofFreight to run a collaborative protocol building experiment.