Go vote! It takes just 30 seconds…

Estonian parliamentary elections happen on 3 March 2019 with an opportunity to cast an electronic vote until 27 February 2019.


It’s election time again — this time giving us a chance to choose the parliament for the next 4 years.

However, this time the situation is way different. Like in many countries over the last few years, there’s an extremist party trying to get elected. And they’re not novel in any sense, as they also want to close the country down for immigrants and make it hard for all the scaling businesses.

For that reason, we really need all the forward-looking people to go vote, even as they claim not to care about politics.

After all, with electronic voting available, the procedure takes roughly 30–90 seconds!

Just go to valimised.ee, download the voting application, sign in with your ID card or mobile ID and make your vote count.

Either choose someone who’s politics you really like or if there’s no one like that then go for a friend or anyone who’s not far-right.

And with many companies offering an up to 10-minute “voting pause” during work-hours then you can really do it anytime, anywhere… (Read more about it in Estonian)

E.g. I voted on a bus from Pärnu to Tallinn.

Many young people do not want to vote.

It’s a sad truth that many young (and perhaps also older) people in Estonia say that they do not want to vote. Their reasons go from not knowing who to vote for to believing their vote not to matter.

But your vote does matter!

Even if you do not believe things to go better because of the politicians then it can go way worse if you decide not to vote.

As for who to vote for, let me describe each party with a sentence for you to choose from:

  • Conservative People’s Party of Estonia (Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond) — ultranationalists who you do not want in the parliament.
  • Estonia 200 (Erakond Eesti 200) — up and coming pro-business and future party.
  • Estonian Centre Party (Eesti Keskerakond) — current ruling party with no plans to change anything for the better.
  • Estonian Democratic Party (Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond) — they would love to take all your money and distribute it evenly between the poor.
  • Estonian Greens (Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised) — everything green goes.
  • Estonian Reform Party (Eesti Reformierakond) — pro-business and future party that wants to clean up the mess-
  • Estonian United Left Party (Eestimaa Ühendatud Vasakpartei) — something left, no one knows.
  • Free Party (Eesti Vabaerakond) — Freedom! Don’t know for what.
  • Pro Patria (Isamaa) — More okay version of the Conservative People’s Party of Estonia but still bad.
  • The Richness of Life (Elurikkuse Erakond) — some joke.

That said, if you still cannot decide, come and ask…

Now go vote!

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Sander Gansen
Millennial thoughts on business & technology

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