How To Choose A Name For The New Company, Right Now?

The process of analysing various words and feelings done fast…


On Wednesday noon, I told Lele that we needed to choose a name for our new marketing agency by the night. Why? Because I got a sudden offer to speak at a conference. Which meant I had to know how to introduce our business.

Obviously, we didn’t manage to pick a name within the eight remaining hours. Yet we did kickstart the process, getting the results in just 48 hours!

So what did we do to choose a name for our new company? In short, we analysed how we’d want the business to be perceived by others. Meanwhile trying to find a name which would resemble our activities.

Hence it’s important to first understand our business. We’re here to help companies grow. To do that, we first analyse their product and map their customer behaviour. Then create a marketing strategy and help with execution.

The most important word in all this is grow. Followed by marketing, strategy, and execution/management.

Knowing this we drew up a table with the following categories:

  • Names of your competitors;
  • Words that encompass the most important things your service changes;
  • Words or word-combos that best convoy what your service does;
  • Of those, which is the most original or recognizable;
  • Of those, which can be trademarked.

Next up, it was time to inspect names used around the world for various marketing strategy and management agencies.

Some are blunt such as Webrand or Precision Marketing Group. Others are combinations of words like MMG (means: Marketing Management Group) and MMI (means: Marketing Management Inc). And then there are the creative ones — Moxiefy, Care, Nut etc.

This part of the exercise is meant to show how different names can be. At the same time, we used it to learn which ones are already taken.

Followed by this, we started brainstorming the words that encompass our service. We started with the obvious words: Marketing, Strategy, Growth, Management, Analysis, Increase, Expand, All-in-one, On-demand, Step-by-step, Promote, Advocate, Endorse, Traction, Scale, Lead, Profit, Predict and Time. Then looking at the dictionary to find synonyms: Spurt, Spritz, Erupt, Ooze, Modus, Agendum, Front, Sprint, Hype, Puff, Buzz, Focal, Ogilvy, Chasm etc.

Using those words, we started to come up with word combos we could use as a name. Looking back, I’m not sure how did we come up with half of those. Anyway, the list included Growbest, Growsnest, Growcrave, Growcane, Growgain, Ogilway, Tracthub, Tracore, Growcore, Growfocal, Wedorest, Onefocal and Oneponder.

Showing some of those to our family and friends, we realised that this had not worked out too well. Although I already had some ideas on branding when it comes to names like Growcane

Downhearted by the experience, we also tested out some other tools available online, e.g. Namelix. Only to understand that those were too specific. Especially as we were looking for a name that could also be used for our capital management firm in the future.

However, things turned around a day later, as the sun was shining outside. The spring is finally here. Which made us think about the word Spring that can also mean growth.

That said, we looked for a derivative of the word that could work for us. Moreover, a version with available domains and social media handles. Arriving to Springrise!

If you loved any of this and want some more, then let me know what you’d like me to write about via my Newsletter, Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook.



Sander Gansen
Millennial thoughts on business & technology

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