It’s A New Life: 1st Month After Shipitwise

A quick overview of what I’ve been up to these past 30 days after moving on from Shipitwise.


Frankly, I didn’t have any idea of what’s going to happen after deciding to pursue new challenges. Yet, I’ve enjoyed every bit of the ride up to this point. Especially all the opportunities that have come to me.

To some certain extent, I’m laughing at the fears I had prior to making this decision. At that time, thinking how would I be able to support myself with all the expenses. Meanwhile, knowing there’s no going back.

Of course, I’ve still not figured out everything. But similar to Netflix’s Sophia from the Girlboss series, I’m sure things can only keep going up.

“Never backward, always forward“— Luke Cage

What have I exactly been going these past 30 days?

Thank god that I keep a calendar, otherwise who’d know…

  • Took 40+ meetings or calls with various suitors. All whom could use help with fundraising, marketing or sales related activities.
  • Wrote 13 blog posts, while having many more discussions on platforms such as Quora (+ 197 tweets).
  • Attended 12 startup events, while speaking at 4 of them.
  • Visited Pärnu, my home town and all the grandparents three times.
  • Went to see two comedy shows and two movies at the cinema.
  • And met with many friends I’d not seen for months, or longer.

For sure, I’ve missed something, but that should sum most of it up.

This was enough to understand what I’m going to do in the forthcoming months.

It seems like (almost) every company is currently looking for marketing specialists. Meanwhile, a lot of early stage companies are also struggling with everything related to fundraising. Meaning, it’s almost impossible not to find things to do.

However, I’ve decided not to sell my soul to anyone at this moment. Rather see if it’s possible to life off from travelling. There’s simply too many places I’ve yet to visit.

Thus, I’m in talks with couple of companies on various gigs. Such as helping some raise funds from the crowd and writing for others. All while travelling around, spreading the message of a third one. At times, giving a training or doing some one-on-one mentoring. Meanwhile sharing thoughts via my blog.

This plans seems to suit me the best for the next 3 to 6 months. Especially as it lets me work through plenty ideas of my own that I’m looking into.

Still, I’m constantly open to hear other offers. Either about starting something new or anything project based I could be of help with.



Sander Gansen
Millennial thoughts on business & technology

Here to play the Game | Building @WorldofFreight to run a collaborative protocol building experiment.