Listen to Your Inner Voice — Act on It

Trust your hunches, they are mostly right.


In far too many occasions, we find ourselves thinking that we should change or do something. Only to persist with the status quo and hope things will work out without us interfering. Later realising we should have stepped in (or out) much earlier.

This is something most of us have for sure experienced at some point. It might have occurred when we knew that someone is the One, or instead is not that, without acting on the thought. Likewise, we could have known that we have to keep pushing or let go of our current project, acting different. Or perhaps we felt it was time to put all things on pause and take a month long adventure, only to push it into the future.

Regardless of what it was, we should have listened to our inner voice. Because in most cases our hunches show us the hard truth when there is still time to act on them. But we try to postpone the decisions, so we could enjoy the moment or not take responsibility for a bit longer.

Despite all, in the long run, a majority of our thoughts end up being right — they always were. So maybe next time we should just listen to them earlier?

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Sander Gansen
Millennial thoughts on business & technology

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