We’re setting up a boutique agency for emerging tech companies!

Ever since December, I’ve taken some time off to think and make future plans. Let me reveal some of them now…


As you might have read, I decided to step down from the chairman + chief international officer role at Robotex in early January.

It was not an easy decision, especially as I devoted the better part of the last 2 years on successfully expanding the brand globally.

Through this journey, I met hundreds of wonderful people whom I want to see succeed in their endeavours and thousands more that I hope got inspired to work hard and smart to build the Future as they grow up.

I really hope that the global network of Robotex keeps on growing to touch thousands, if not millions more.

As for myself, I got the most awesome news in Autumn 2018 of becoming a first-time father in late May 2019 — news that made me think through who I am and where do I want to be in 10/20-years time, as well as how do I want to spend the next 6–12 months.

I’ve realised that my true purpose lays in two important activities:

First, being the best father, husband, son and, of course, a friend that I can, while setting an example for everyone around me. For that, I need to take enough TIME that could be spent in quality with those around me.

Second, helping those who are building the future promised to us by the Sci-Fi writers and other dreamers — the so-called emerging or frontier tech. For that, I analysed their shortcomings and my skills, understanding I can best help them by setting up strong marketing strategies and assist in execution.

Based on that, I decided to set my focus on aiding my parents in jump-starting the growth of our family enterprises, as well as establishing a marketing strategy management company with my wife, who’s also a marketer.

The latter will start as a boutique agency for emerging tech companies with plans to build various tools and perhaps setting up a fund in the future.

Our thinking goes such that by focusing on just the segment of emerging tech, we can use the network I’ve already built in helping their innovation be implemented faster around the world, while we would be able to keep on expanding our network of partners. To help the next ones even more.

+ this enables me to keep feeding the nerd in me that wants to play with all the new robots and other cool solutions.

That said, we’d very much appreciate if you could introduce us to any emerging tech companies that are building great products but have so far limited their marketing activities only on writing content and sharing it via social media channels, if even that much.

If you loved any of this and want some more, then let me know what you’d like me to write about via my Newsletter, Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook.



Sander Gansen
Millennial thoughts on business & technology

Here to play the Game | Building @WorldofFreight to run a collaborative protocol building experiment.