Writing Daily When There Is Nothing To Write About

How to come up with new topics to write about?


Starting to write daily is easy, especially when you have not been writing for some time. There are lots of thoughts and ideas that need to find their way out of your brain. Also, there is an exciting feeling of starting something new. That is why many people like the idea of starting to write daily.

Soon enough you find yourself in a position of not knowing what to write next. Perhaps thinking that it would be a good time to stop doing it at all. And if you have not set yourself a goal then this will be the obedient end.

However, in case you did promise yourself to write at least 30-days in a row then you cannot quit — at least not yet. So now you need to figure out what to write about in the future. Ideally coming up with different segments.

The question then will be what segments to write about?

If you are writing for your company or brand, then it is quite easy to find different segments. For example, focus one day to write about the plans for the future. Then another one to teach people some skills or tips for them to be able to do stuff on their own. The third day could focus on some customer case studies, while the fourth analyses various learnings. Which would leave the fifth one for praising the teammates or describing how work is done at the office. Finally using the weekend to write about any interesting findings from the week.

But what to do when you are a freelancer or a self-employed person? Or just an employee of a bigger organisation with no stake in the game. Still, you could follow more or less the same segments. Creating lists or plans for the future, teaching tips, studying cases, analysing learnings and sharing interesting findings.

Anyhow, generating a particular content plan, dividing days into segments is a good idea — especially when starting to write daily. Because we always have various topics that we play around with. But without a plan, we cannot seem to decide which ones to choose and when.

So the question is not whether there are topics to write about. Instead, it is almost always about us not having a structure or a specific plan. Once the plan is there, it will be much easier. And then the only question is whether you are taking the time daily to make it happen.

In fact, this goes not just about writing but everything that we want to do or achieve. We need to have a precise action plan. And then, as long as we have a strong enough reason we will make it happen.

If you loved any of this and want some more, then let me know what you’d like me to write about via my Newsletter, Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook.



Sander Gansen
Millennial thoughts on business & technology

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