Paper vs. digital — Part 3: Calendar

Sandrill Team
Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2018

Based on the surprising result that paper-based solutions seem to be still a better or at least equivalent way to organize oneself, we compare the solutions for managing goals, tasks and calendar one by one. In this third article in our series paper-based vs. digital planning we analyse calendar solutions.

In the course of my “family and friends research” I observed that most persons use multiple calendars. The phenomena I have already described in the article “How do you manage your life?” is in regard to the use of various calendars especially high. At the workplace the common calendar solutions are Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar. Dependent on the company guidelines the apple calendar is often used on iPhones beside the mobile apps of Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar. Paper-based calendars are rarely applied because of the huge advantage of digital calendars to easily schedule appointments with other persons. Even though it still can be time-consuming to arrange a meeting with many persons with a digital calendar and tools like Doodle are very popular to accelerate this process, no one wants to think back how it was twenty years ago.

For private use we see a different behaviour even though we have this significant advantage of digital calendars in regard of scheduling appointments. If digital calendars are used privately, many persons use the associated calendar of their private email accounts whereby also other solutions besides of Microsoft and Google are common (e.g. Yahoo). But in my circle of friends and acquaintances paper-based calendars are still widespread to organise the private life. The advantages of keeping the overview of tasks and dates and being able to visualize things were key arguments. As a result, the typical overloading of the calendar could be avoided (e.g. accepting too many dates on a day where also important and time-consuming tasks should be done). I also observed the combination of the private calendar with a notebook or diary where new ideas are jotted down, dates are reflected and memories are gathered.

Even though still many people use paper-based calendars the trend is towards digital calendars. Apart from the reasons stated above the continuing increase of smartphone usage could be also driver. Furthermore a digital calendar can sync all relevant information from other calendars and devices and make the information easily accessible on your smartphone. If we look a little closer at some often-used features, we find further advantages of digital calendars. One important feature is for sure repeating events. Within a digital calendar you can easily setup any series of an event within a few clicks (e.g. birthdays or daily stand-up meetings). Another benefit are reminders. If you plan your day paper-based, you always have to keep an eye on your clock. Digital calendars remind you at the time you want. You can even setup multiple reminders or calculate travel times.

Finally you can have a greater clarity if you have different views of your calendar in regard to the time period. At a paper-based calendar you have to write each event and every change of this event in multiple calendar views (e.g. yearly view, monthly view, daily view), if you want to use these valuable views. In contrast, if you use a digital calendar you have to set or change an event only once. All views will be updated automatically.

In sum there a still some benefits of both ways to plan your life but in regard to calendars the advantages of digital solutions seem to outweigh the advantages of paper-based calendars by far. Hence we focus our further analysis to digital calendars.

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A lean and beautiful calendar for more focus, smooth productivity and a better life.