Something a little more important to chew on.

Shannon Lorenzen
Sandwich Sundays
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2020

This is not a political blog. The only thing serious about it is our serious commitment to eating and enjoying sandwiches like we’re Joey on Friends. Because we are. That. Serious.

This week was supposed to be the California French Dip, so we were going to buy the sandwiches from the place that invented the sandwich. How could we not do that since that was an option available to us? But, then the protests happened.

Curfews were put in place.

Businesses were looted and destroyed.

Things have reached a fever pitch and the country is not OK.

People are not OK.

I am not OK.

I don’t have the right words or experiences to adequately express my feelings right now. But I will say that I am outraged by the epidemic of hate and prejudice that is coursing through the veins of our country right now. It’s not the world I want to raise my son in.

I have spent a very long time mistaking “not being a racist” as being enough to support POC. I now know that it’s not. If I want to raise my son in a better world, I have to take a more active stance in helping to make the world better.

I stand in solidarity with the peaceful protests going on around the country. I support those who have found their voice and have the words to stand up and demand change. I understand that I will never understand the plight POC have had to experience. But I do stand with you and vow to be a better advocate and ally.

And I hope that one day we can all get a sandwich together and the only thing we’ll need to fight about is which one of us has more garbage taste in condiments.

