About Me

Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2016
Photo Credit: JPL

Hi there! My name is Sandhya Ramachandran and I am a multi platform content producer. I love telling stories but I also believe each story thrives in a particular medium. Over the years, I have equipped myself with skills to enable storytelling across different platforms — print, audio visual, performance and design. I have however focused on video content creation these last couple of years. Collaboration thrills me and I’m always trying to combine my many interests and reinvent my job, project to project. If I feel motivated enough to do something, there really is no stopping me. I will make it happen!
Here is a link to my reel:

Whenever I type this in a cover letter, a voice in my head says “this is just the tip of the iceberg, there’s so much more to me!”. Days when I’m daring, I may include a few more lines but most times I comfort myself with the hope that I can overwhelm people with the details and specifics of my journey in person. But then this post about Why You Need To Tell Your Story reinforced the urgency and was the last push I needed in creating an honest, authentic, regularly updated…. record. A live About Me?

The author gives some great points to start the process:

Where have you been and what have you learned? What do you hold dear? What have you endured and what has made you tougher? How have your experiences enlightened you and in turn, inspired and informed you to produce positive change for others?

How did I get here? Why does this whole content creation thing matter to me? What are the values I stand for? There’s so much to convey and as always I’m already torn between the many ways of telling the story. So I’ve decided to tell it in parts, non linear fashion.

In the Blog tab of this page, I explore my writer side. This includes significant events in my life that have shaped me into who I am. Personal goal is uncensored discourse — authenticity and honesty — regardless of feedback.

In the Photo & Video tab, you get inside the head of creative producer Sandhya and live the process, the most enjoyable part of a passion. To view video work directly, click here.

As for a concise About Me:

Female. Born Aug 27th. Virgo. ENTP. Indian from Dubai. Mother Tongue: Palakkad-Tamil, but first language English. Vegetarian turned vegan since Feb 2016. Carnatic music singer. Boxing, running and yoga. Big on curls and curves. Chips is life. Public transport for the win. Too much energy. Not always in bouts. OK, end of bout.

Can’t. Contain. ENERGY.




I write about events in my life, which mostly have to do with creative process and understanding the world. about.me/sandhyaramachandran