How Your Internal GPS Works

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3 min readOct 16, 2019


We’ve all got one. It is a sophisticated, highly intelligent system that works in its own mysterious ways, day after day, keeping your life on track. There is a track, a path, a plan — one that you can’t readily access, but best believe your internal GPS has it wired in.

Internal GPS technology can be hard to explain but it is one hundred percent legit. For one thing, it taps into emotions and intentions. My inner GPS for instance has been pointing me towards activities that don’t add up in the bigger picture and so I’m not enthused about these ideas. There’s got to be a glitch because it doesn’t align with my painstakingly put together 28 year old identity. And so from my end, there is resistance and that is okay. Your internal GPS is understanding. For some time. But it continues to work, even if you aren’t aware of it, even if you don’t like it.

If I look at my stint as an educator, it makes no sense. I never expressed a ‘desire to teach university students’ in any conversation, interview, or any other kind of forum. I set my destination as ‘something in media’ when I was looking for a job. Not sure if this means something but in my journal, many years ago, I might have mentioned that at some point I wanted to work with kids and teach kids. The desire to serve, to mentor, to invent ways of learning were detected by this internal radar. On a conscious level, however much I sent my CV to media companies, something was off because my internal compass was turning another way. Our internal GPS knows us better than we know ourselves at any given moment. It remembers things that you know but have forgotten about yourself. Internal GPS is immune to deadlines, societal pressures and the logical thing to do. These things stem from fear on some level, which is unknown to the inner GPS.

Your internal GPS is great at relationships too. When you pay absolutely no heed to it, you soon have to recover from a situation where you have not just lost the partner but also yourself. When you sort of listen to it, it leads to stagnation. And that’s not a great feeling because life is best when it flows.

Your internal GPS has a plan so before you venture out to make your own luck, it might help to listen. Most of us don’t spend any time in silence, which is when - if you pay close attention - you may get an inkling of where that compass is pointing. When you do listen, you might hear things you do not want to hear. The navigation system can lead us to unpleasant or seemingly irrational situations. Every bit of yourself that is rooted to your reality wants to fight it. You need to trust that the inner GPS is foolproof. Trust the places it puts you in, the routes and detours. Trust the process and also, enjoy the process.

Now this inner voice doesn’t talk all the time so don’t think you have fallen back on your connection if you are not being fed ideas for months. Four months not actively achieving is a part of your journey. Urgency might have set in earlier on and you might be taking action but circumstances have a funny way of only responding to your internal GPS.

Are you fascinated by this internal magic? Do you want to be aware the next time it works its ways? Take some time every now and then to acknowledge this intricate, wonderful system. We aren’t alone on this planet. We have many mysterious, magical allies with us whose presence we need to reveal for ourselves. That’s really what any experience is — a reveal.

There is only one rule this system abides by and that is movement. Change. So it’s only a matter of time.




I write about events in my life, which mostly have to do with creative process and understanding the world.