Holistic Smart Map (Outline for final project)

Sanghyun Son
data — space
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2017

through this map, people can be guided optimal path by communicating various conditions including urban data and spatial analysis around your place


a. social network changed our lives

social data : twitter, yelp, facebook, etc. + urban data : 311 complaint data, pluto data, environment data, property tax data, etc.

b. important factors making up neighborhood’s quality

spatial analysis : visibility, sky exposure, open space, daylighting, etc.

approaches :

holistic map :

data (quantitative) + spatial (qualitative) analysis

after that, creates new type of map for finding optimal path.

process 01 : datamining & cleaning

a1 : Yelp dataset

datamining (json) through yelp API, in postman

cleaning data in excel 2016

a2 : Twitter dataset

datamining (json) through twitter API, in spyder

cleaning data in excel 2016

a3 : pluto dataset from NYC planning

a4 : 311 noise complaint data from NYC

working on other data (11.14)

process 02 : mapping & visualization

  • yelp rating : 4.5~5.0 restaurant mapping (heatmap type)
  • twitter messages & event density : mapping (heatmap type)
  • 311 noise complaint density : mapping (heatmap type)
  • pluto data, building density : mapping
  • shortest walk distance : spatial analysis & visualization

working on other mapping & visualization

working on conclusion

