Sanity & Self: A Manifesto

Natalie Beaulieu
Sanity & Self
Published in
5 min readSep 13, 2018

Why self-care is essential for women from the makers of the Sanity & Self wellness app.

Screenshots from the Sanity & Self mobile app. It is free for iOS and Android.

Perfection is a myth.

The bar for perfection has reached an all-time high. We are expected to be a perfect employee, supportive partner, dependable daughter, and attentive mom all while squeezing in a daily SoulCycle class, rocking the latest #LikeToKnowIt trends and cooking top-notch gluten free/dairy free/vegan/keto friendly Blue Apron Meals. Oh, and we’re never allowed to look like the hot mess we feel like. Hair, makeup, nails, clothes, always on point or nothin’!

The world we live in today moves FAST. Work emails keep us up late at night, we have to constantly learn new skills to keep up and women are still only making a maximum of $0.80 for every dollar a man does. (WTF is up with that?! 😡)

Thanks, but no thanks. Ain’t nobody got time for that. 🙅 Perfection does not exist. Having unrealistic expectations doesn’t make us better people. It gets usexhausted, stressed out, underappreciated. And most of all… feeling like shit! 💩

We have spent so much energy POURING into everyone else in our lives. We are FED UP with putting our needs last. It’s time for some radical change. Starting NOW. 💪

Self-care is a journey, not a destination.

Rome wasn’t built in a day! Self-care is not like hitting your fave coffee shop: pick, order and pay…TADA!

Self-care is nourishing your mind, body, and spirit so you can embrace your inner WONDER WOMAN. 🙋 It is your personal hero’s… scratch that HEROINE’S journey where you learn something new about yourself each and every day.

It is practice. And practice does not make perfect. This isn’t some trendy magazine version of self-care with weekly massages and yoga retreats in Bali 🌴. This is YOUR self-care, and the most difficult part is figuring out 1.) what works for YOU and 2.) how to make it STICK. (And honestly, that’s not that hard 😉)

Your self-care is a daily ritual to meet your needs and become your best you. It takes patience. So be strong. Be persistent. And don’t be hard on yourself if you lose motivation or forget to take time. (Besides, we’re totally here to remind you!)

The Sanity & Self mobile app lets you set custom reminders so you are always at the top of your “to-do list”.

Find your secret sauce.

Just like every woman’s body has a different shape, curve and skin tone to make us each beautiful, sexy & strong in our own way, there is no one-size fits all solution to self-care. 🌎

Maybe your self-care feels like a 5-mile solo run. Great, do you! Maybe you’d rather swallow a handful of thumbtacks than run anywhere? Great, come and sit by me! Maybe you really just need a few deep breaths to recenter yourself? Awesome, let’s set that goal together! Whatever YOUR self-care needs are, that’s what you need and that’s more than okay.

Create your ritual.

With all the dings, bings, beeps and buzzes that bombard our lives, it’s easy to forget promises that we make to ourselves, even yesterday. Routine is ESSENTIAL in committing to change. Would the legendary RBG still be dissenting at the honorable age of 85 if it wasn’t for her workout and green smoothie routine? NO! Follow our 5 commandments of self-care and you will feel as bad a** as her. ⚖️👩‍⚖️🏛️

  1. Make self-care a ritual. Find a time of the day that works for you and set a reminder that this is your “me-time”.
  2. Put self-care at the top of your to-do list! It is your priority. Commit yourself to take 5 minutes a day FOR YOU, no matter what.
  3. Be honest with yourself, you have time! How about those 5 minutes you scroll IG? Or those extra 5 minutes you spend in bed checking your phone each morning?
  4. Pick a trigger! “Every time I do my makeup, I’ll use my Sanity & Self app”. It can be also while cooking, driving, or tidying up. You can make the time.
  5. Reward yourself! After each session, give yourself a treat. (A nice breakfast? Fresh juice? Maybe a gentle self-massage?)

You are not alone.

Self-care doesn’t have to be a #solo journey, and it isn’t when you are plugged in, connected, and motivated. 👣 Let’s inspire, support, share and hold each other accountable. Share our successes, honestly admit our struggles, and grow stronger every day. Because TOGETHER is BETTER. We gotchu girrl! 👯

So all my ladies #GetInFormation! 🍋 Join the unbreakable network of women who are embarking on a self-care journey like you. As women, we have a responsibility to BUILD each other UP. So let’s join forces and get some ishh done.

Meet Sanity & Self.

Self-care doesn’t have to be as complicated as a nightly crystal blessing ritual. It doesn’t have to be as expensive as $100 vitamins from Goop. It doesn’t have to be as time-consuming as a 30-minute meditation. Self-care can be (and SHOULD be) achievable, affordable and realistic.

We created Sanity & Self to make self-care easier, more enjoyable, and less time-consuming. Think of Sanity & Self as your personal #FabFive in your pocket giving you guided audio sessions to help you nourish, learn, and grow. So yassss hunnay, let’s make today the first day of the rest of your life by taking charge of your self-care needs. And your commitment will inspire other women to take charge of their needs too. Let’s get it, sista! 💃💃💃

Sanity & Self has a community of babes like you that are ready to prioritize their needs.

We hope that you will join us on this self-care journey! Click here to download the free Sanity & Self app on iOS and Android. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

