
Jacob Thomas
Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2020

With the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, a large majority of the population finds itself fighting the next big issue- boredom. People continue to look for different places to release their frustration, with one big area being Instagram. From mind-boggling variations of the simple fruit of sailors to the numerous bingo sheets which kind of makes you reflect on how boring your childhood might have been, there is no end to the nominations and the embarrassing photos (why would you willingly give your friends materials to post on your birthday?). So, since quarantine is making us stick to the routine of eat, sleep and repeat, here are a few ways to distract yourself from the craving for brains.

1. Read
This seems like an obvious thing but a lot of people still forget it. A few just don’t want to read a specific genre of books while others have made a promise to themselves to never read a book by a specific author (Chetan Bhagat after One Night @ the Call Centre). But since the end of the pandemic does not seem near, it seems like a great time to open those options. And in case you run out of books, check out digital resources. There is always more content for those willing to explore.

2. Watch
Well now is the free time you have always been looking for so as to complete those recommended movies/TV shows. Binge-watching has never had better conditions. It is time to renew your 6th free one-month subscription on Netflix. To those who apparently have standards and don’t want to watch anime, good luck surviving in the post-pandemic world where superpowers become the new norm.

3. Plan a Heist
Sorry, I got carried away by Money Heist.

4. Music
Time to finally play flight of the bumblebee at the original tempo. Pick up a new instrument or enhance your existing musical skills. Explore the theoretical parts of music too; the different time periods, composers, Latin wordings, etc. Create the ideal playlists for the different moods, improve your aural skills and try creating your own pieces.

5. Hobbies
Pursue your different hobbies. Bake the perfect cookie, draw a self-portrait, build the summer body which you might not be able to show in public, write a heart-warming poem, karaoke with your family, become a professional card counter, learn to break into a safe (interview process will start soon), pick up origami, finish the pun book, start a weird blog with your friends. Be sure to surprise everyone with your ventriloquism skills after quarantine is lifted.

5.1. Gaming
To the people who don’t play a lot of games; if you run out things to watch, some story-oriented games have better plots than a lot of movies. You can create worlds without boundaries, experience numerous scenarios and find an escape from a repetitive week. Also, club penguin is back for those who need stress relief from the current times.

6. Study??

7. Connect

For the people who miss talking with your friends, we are in the digital age. Set up group calls and talk about how bored you are together. Your crush is also probably jobless so now might be the one time she might reply to you. Catch up with old friends and reminisce about good memories. Make sure to bring up the ‘Until Tomorrow’ photos.

Quarantine hits everyone differently. Some people prefer staying in rather than going out while others have the strong urge to be out in the open. Even though the urge to escape is strong within everyone, please practice social distancing so as to slow down the spread of the virus. Stay safe everyone and if none of the options work for you, at least you passed away 3 minutes of your time by reading this.

