The Concept Of Legacy

Jacob Thomas
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2020

Life inevitably ends. All the mistakes, achievements, decisions, and consequences cease to desist. What remains after the end of the journey? What defines our existence once we pass?

The sun eventually sets

The dusk brings the wave

Parted souls mourn

Not for time past,

But for memories fading

It is fair to say once we leave, our materialistic possessions don’t end up following us. Ownership of those items ceases to matter, owing to the fact that there is no body that can lay claim, or use those items. Land in your name changes hands, money is passed on and personal items eventually lose value over time. The only thing which shows a record of your life on Earth is the legacy you leave behind. What change did you impart during your short time?

When people think of the word ‘Legacy’, they usually imagine it means doing something big like starting a charity for starving kids, curing cancer, being at the top of your field, etcetera. Basically, be big enough for Netflix to make a documentary on your life or google to have a unique doodle for your birthday (other shoutouts can come from vogue, history books, Wikipedia). But what about the average Joe? Turns out not everyone can have such a large impact on their surroundings.

We all have our own niches in the world. Some are wide enough to overlook national borders while others can be as small as your local neighborhood or even just you and your dog. To say it is okay to be normal sounds cliché, to produce a change in a few people sounds mediocre, and yet these tiny changes/sacrifices define your work on Earth once you pass. You could have been a good parent and so you made a positive impact on your kid’s life. You might have been a good friend and given your chosen family some life-altering advice. You could be a trailer owner in the middle of nowhere and only offer a few travelers some friendly advice and refreshments- you might still be remembered when they recount their stories. The smaller actions are remembered for shorter periods of time. Few legacies withstand the test of time.

Make the journey count.

Good acts need not be the only things that create a legacy. Jack the Ripper is probably more well-known than the 26th richest person in the world right now. Not doing something or failing at an objective could also be the impression you leave behind. You could be a failed businessman and people learn from your mistakes or you could be a coward who ignored the situation around you causing people in your surroundings to contemplate whether to help, or to be like you. The simple choices you make can have tremendous ripple effects.

So, do we need to strive to create a lasting legacy? How do you go about doing it?

To have an untainted legacy is practically impossible. There will always be some mistake which goes against what you wish people remembered about you. The bigger your legacy, the more aspects of your life that come into the spotlight. All it takes is for a few people to go through your past twitter posts.

To create your legacy according to your liking, it is important to use every second towards achieving that goal. Do actions that bring you closer to your goal, engage in activities that could further the impact, and be clear in which direction you wish to take your legacy. Be clear about the impact you wish to have. You wish to be a spy or assassin, realize that few people will remember your work. You don’t have a clear career goal and are satisfied with being yourself, realize that you won’t be remembered by people outside your small social circles. Its okay to change plans for your legacy (life is unpredictable), but to act in disrespect of your own morals and ideals is wrong. We as a species are not perfect, your legacy will never be perfect, and it doesn’t have to. Showing you are human after all is a part of the impact you can have. Set an example for the Joes of the world.

The world continues to revolve even once you part. You can choose to leave a mark or tread lightly (Yes, it is a Fault in the Stars reference). Don’t live your life trying to leave a legacy that will be accepted by others. Choose how you wish to be remembered.

