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Quick facts about the City of San Jose’s Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

San Jose Innovation Team
The San Jose Way
2 min readFeb 15, 2019


On February 11, the City of San Jose launched a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) with the goal of pre-qualifying multiple consultants in the following categories:

  • Service Design Project Work
  • Service Design Training and Coaching
  • Process Improvement Project Work
  • Process Improvement Training and Coaching
  • Digital Transformation Strategy
  • Agile Training and Coaching

This RFQ will be a key enabler in the City’s journey to transform our residents’ experience of government services to be easy, reliable, and digital.

Check out the full RFQ document on BidSync to see how we define these categories and what qualifications we’re looking for in each category. You’ll need to register for BidSync to view the documents.

The deadline for submitting a bid is Monday, March 4, 2019 at 5:00 PM PST.

Read on for six fast facts about the RFQ.

Six Things to Know about San Jose’s RFQ

1. We’ll select multiple vendors in each category

The goal of this Request for Statement of Qualifications (“RFQ”) is to create a pre-qualified pool of vendors for each category. For each category, we expect to select multiple consultants.

2. Consultants can apply for qualification in multiple categories

You can choose to apply for one, multiple, or all of the options. You will submit just one application for all categories.

3. Specific scopes of work will be defined in the future

Over time, as the City identifies needs and defines scopes of work in these categories, pre-qualified Consultants will be invited to submit bids for projects of varying size, style, complexity, and schedule. Selection as a pre-qualified consultant does not guarantee future work.

4. Non-US-based firms are welcome to apply

International companies can apply. However, please note that the registration process for BidSync requires a US phone number and US zipcode. As a workaround, BidSync has offered use of their Support Center contact information: phone number 800–990–9339 and address: 629 East 700 South Suite 101, American Fork, UT 84003. You will be able to use the site the same as any other vendor. Of course, please provide your actual contact information on your bid documents, so we have a way to get in touch with you!

5. Questions will be answered through the City’s bid website

The deadline for questions is February 25, 2019 at 5:00 PM PST. Please submit questions via BidSync. If you email questions to City of San Jose staff, you will be asked to repost your questions on BidSync.

6. Deadline to submit proposals is March 4, 2019 at 5:00 PM PST

Proposals are submitted in soft copy via email. See BidSync for instructions.

Ready to apply?

We look forward to reviewing your proposals!



San Jose Innovation Team
The San Jose Way

City Manager’s Office of Civic Innovation & Digital Strategy at San Jose City Hall